I was taking off from the airfield, heading to battle, and Ive been flying Zero and A10a a lot here lately and so I have a lot of time to look at the ebb and flow from the battle…A lot more time in say, than some of my faster jets,…F15, Mirage, Migs, and so on.
I was looking at a battle unfolding about still 10 km away and wondering while looking at my mates…Hmm, I wonder if they are going for a Victory or going for Airkills strictly?
It is kind of apparent for some when youre watching, especially in an A10, which I take up to altitude, I dont hug the ground, I use it for a fighter like a Zero, and so I can watch the battle develop LOL.
I was sitting there thinking, okay, which plane do I go for, which is a better option in a faster plane I can tell you…Which plane do I go for?
And it occurred to me, I go for the planes which are the biggest threat and the enemies best planes, so my team can win. I found out early, I fly my planes well, the control surfaces, the throttle, the flaps…but my cannon aim didnt catch up until I found out about settings and FPS LOL.
I grew up in Indiana in the 70s and 80s, the Bobby Knight era and Larry Bird, and so it was then, a couple of days ago,…I realized, I fly for the team.
I raced for the Ace Tag, that was always my main goal in Warthunder, and so I used to pick out the “EASY KILL”, and I still do to some extent. But Im a good enough pilot now, …and I get bored of the game, and I fly what I want, Im not grinding anymore…I go for the toughest targets to WIN!
So What’s Your Flavor Mates…DO YOU FLY TO WIN, or do you fly for AIRKILLS?, that’s the topic.
However you fly, its your choice, Ive done both…but there are players from all over the world here now, how do you do it?
It depends, honestly. For example, in top tier you can bait the enemy team into shooting at you while your allies get the kills, but missile evasions award no RP, so you can get 0 pts despite being an important part of your team. In that sense, lots of kills + victory is the sweet spot, whereas a victory with 0 pts is actually less rewarding in rp and sl than a loss with some kills. On the other hand, if you’re not really grinding for anything, then might as well do whatever you want.
High kills generally just removes as much of the enemy team’s fighting potential as possible, thus giving your team a numbers advantage. (considering they didnt disintegrate at the beginning) If you kill more of them, your team can just swarm them and win. I’d rather play 5vs3 even if enemy has better aircraft than a 2v10 where theirs are worse, just because it’s so easy to get swarmed.
Simply put, more kills = more wins
Thank you for contributing mate…I not grinding anymore, fortunately I have everything I want except for Rafale and Eurofighter, but I have F15C and satisfied for now…Grinding gives you a different mindset doesn’t it? I guess its cool that silvers, rp, …etc doesnt mean anything to me anymore.
thank you for your comment, I completely understand it mate. Good Luck to you
I get it…I have sit above about 5 planes down below me I could kill easily in my Zeros,…but had to climb to get the P51 or Me109 that was the king of field really because of their altitude if they were smart…
Mate I get that.
Good Luck CommunistBalls
I mostly play fighters. I go for kills but avoid kills that seem locked down by other teammates. I usually go for enemies that are a danger to me(moving to engage me) or ones that are distracted.
When i use the a10, i go for ground targets but i will also detour to engage enemies if they come within my range.
Thank you markimash…It struck me when you said you mostly play fighters,. LOL, Ive never flown a bomber since Beta. I do not have a bomber mentality, whew.
When youre in a slow plane you have plenty of time to look around, yes, I as well go for something that seems to be wanting me to die. And if you have been playing long enough, as you have mate, you can see that from about 3 km away developing.
I have taken my A10a to altitude since I got it. I bought it for 50% off on the holiday sale, and so I was like you know what, this is like a jet Zero. At that BR, the Aim 9ls are fire…and I try to make it to the furball, when I can drop down and turn them into fireballs…gotten good with with its cannon, out to 110m Im good with it. Its a plane I have fun in occasionally, and a go to when I have a Silver Bonus engaged.
Thank you, your comments are always well thought out and welcomed. Have fun dude.
Luckily, I dont grind or care about RP and such, I just play for fun…But dont get me wrong, I understand it, I had to do that to get where I am.
Depends entirely on what plane im using.
If im in a fighter, ill try to cause as much violence as possible.
If im something like the F111, i will nail objectives and then try to get air kills. Even if i fail to take down other players, there is some ticket impact left by my bombs.
The a10s can hold their own pretty well in 1v1s. It surprises many people when they expect an easy kill then watch me dodge them and swing until tail quicker than they can fly away.
markimash, you might be interested in a video I watch on YouTube occasionally, its Interview with Saburo Sakai, Interview with an Ace.
I put his emblem on every one of my Zeros, subtitles, but a true modern Samurai, in their tradition.
Warthunder has seemed to model the Zero very correctly,…I have to say its my favorite plane when it comes down to it,…A10s are like that, just different. LOL
The two pretty much go hand in hand. Playing for kills results in more victories. Only exception is if you are flying with a squadmate and one is purposefully acting as bait while the other takes the kills. But in some sense you’re still playing for airkills.
Playing for kills also implies avoiding death. Going for the first enemy or every easy kill you see may result in an early death or getting less kills overall. So prioritizing your targets and not taking every engagement can still be labeled as playing for kills.
Current ARB is just Team Deathmatch anyway.
I seek positive SL (high tier repair cost be like f-86 15000–>F-1510000) :(
my a-10 when my enemy decides to try to roll fight my a-10 ):D
If grinding then victory and time are better, else I go for kills
ima be honest sometimes (a6e) I take no A2A weaponry (unless you count CM as A2A for some reason)
I fly to spade my plane and get as far away from ARB as possible for the rest of my time in WarThunder.
These days I mostly fly ARB for:
- Very good SL (I take out a Crusader because it’s busted in downtiers)
- I want to spade a plane and being given match rewards immediately, even if stock performance sucks, allows me to make the plane usable contrasted to 90 minute match with 10K RP done fully stock
- I want to unlock a new plane faster for whatever reason
As such, I’ve taken to flying rather aggressively. I know that the proper way to fly would be to take it slow and methodical, keep altitude and engage enemies in order of threat/impact.
However, going for vulnerable (but low impact) enemies means much easier/faster progression, so given my goals - I started doing this.
Classic case is full afterburner crusader towards a blue base, throwing my 4 missiles at the premium napalm bombers and RTBing. This gives me some very nice silver lions for basically no effort but barely helps my team.
I do this because it gives me the SL/planes/modules to play my preferred game mode with minimum effort elsewhere.
Air kills first, win later. It’s all about the grind.
I go after whoever is presenting the biggest threat to me. Diving out to go after some nigh useless attacker instead of fighters at my altitude is just not something I do. So I have to say I want a victory first and foremost.