Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Wiesel 1 BTM-208


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So this is all the pictures that can be found about the Wiesel 1 HOT/ATM


424 (1)

i have no specific info about it, gun depression and elevation unknown, weight of each version is unknown too, and hight and dimensions is not very clear other than this it is just a Wiesel.

Gun depression at front seems to be at around -15° while at the sides, it may even reach -20°.
Elevation i would presume same or comparable to the 20mm wiesel we have in the game.

For weight, we can find the standard weight of the chassis and add the turret weight if we can find it.
It doesn’t seem to be heavier than 400kg tbh.
And add a few extra for the ammo.

The height we can measure using extreme math lol. Comparing known dimensions etc

that’s just a 50. cal sadly.

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And for what reason would that be a thing?

I would love to see more wheeled German vehicles.

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Didn’t the swiss go with the f35? This is from the 2019 trial yeah? I wouldn’t mind seeing this added but knowing gaijin it means we probably wouldn’t see the f18 or f35. Though that depends on whether they added the swiss as a whole. Its a gripen E which means we wont see it in a long time. Also to my knowledge this may not have been a fully ready gripen. If you have any sources for what its operational status was id love to know. I know the swiss have had gripens before, iirc in 2013 or maybe 14 they had two fly during a air show but i dont believe they were flown by swiss pilots nor were the aircraft owned by the swiss. A gripen C would fit better to fill the lack around the current BR but i dont believe the swiss had a C model.

~2013 or so

This is before the referendum which had forced the Swiss government to run a second trial in which the F-35 won.

Its a gripen E which means we wont see it in a long time

The jets in the photo are all Gripen C’s which the Swiss had leased before serial jets were to arrive.

Eight JAS 39Cs and three JAS 39Ds were to be leased from 2016 to 2020 to train Swiss pilots and allow the F-5s to be retired.

Thanks for the info, also do you know if the C is a MS20 upgrade or just the Base C model? Also inguess if we go down this route for trial i guess it means finland air could actually be worthwhile. Gripen, mig 29, mirage, EFT, Rafale.

whats this weapon being used here?


gdr mig21 RATO


Probably some training device with attached loom / flare.

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I had forgotten about the Marder Evolution! It could work well as a hypothetical replacement for the 2C.



we got our man!

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omg im hooked, tell me more, please!

Yeah, it will be good addition.

Not the best topic but it’s honest work

Gaijin has already gone down that route lol, I mean look at the high tier Swedish helis and the T 80 U.

A swiss 39C doesn’t seem like an out of place decision for Gaijin. The 39C also has the bonus that it’s one of the few options that 100% for sure could be added as soon as the next update.

I still dont agree with trial, the only thing i can kinda understand is the AHS since there is no other option. The T 80 U wasn’t something that shouldve been added. Mi 28A is also in that boat. The only problem is if gaijin adds it to more nations you start to see others ask for it which is only fair. Ive mentioned my opinion on trial stuff and it should only come when there is nothing that can be added domestically to fill a gap. The T 80 U didn’t fill a gap. The hind i have no opinion on other than gaijin wanting a prem at a low br to draw people in. Also im not against gaijin adding a swiss gripen C or E idc. Germany should’ve gotten a f16 by this point or some other 4th gen stop gap. Not a 3rd gen.

Sidenote i still dont get why germany didnt get the su-27, i mean the tiger for japan never arrived since it was needed for the front iirc. Besides my sweet woodland camo su 27 for germ.

I think they considered the mig-29g to be sufficient at the time, and since Germany would have likely gotten the pre R-77 Su-27 it pretty much became obsolete after seek and destroy.