What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

So it really wont do anything except be the same plane we currently have but with a different name…

SH 37 lacks most of the armament of the AJ 37, including gun pods. Its only air to air loadout would be 1xSidewinder and only ground attack ordnance would be rockets. The upgraded AJSH 37 on the other hand would essentially be an AJ 37 without gun pods, Rb 05, and Rb 75. If it’s enough of a difference to reduce its BR then it could be viable

The options that are colored in are what was available before the AJ mod for the various models, so not a lot of options for the SH and SF. Could be kinda funny with a minimalist Viggen although the SF 37 would probably be better then as it gets two missiles at least

Sorry meant SF, still yeah pretty much, low br viggen, do want.

doesn’t the SH get an improved radar + warning system?

I happened to see someone suggesting Gripen to Alpine(=/german) air tree because they trialed, someone(checked him, german main) who posted it was upset that Swedish TT has soooo many trialed vehicles that they should get it too.

So i would like to suggest we get Eurofighter Typhoon since Finland trialed it in the fighter program :)

I mean if we really get everything we want it would be dumb not to reach for more haha


I dont care if germany gets a gripen, two other nations already have it. My only request is that if gaijin accepts more trial vehicles for all nations that they at least make finland a useful nation instead of the lackluster add on it is currently and will be.

Swedish players when other nation players ask for a fraction of the favoratism that Gaijin has for Sweden:


Can you explain which part you think is favoritism?

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CV90120 with an experimental water spray system designed to reduce the thermal signature.


“hey are you seeing what im seeing? why is that fountain moving?!”


Any more information on this vehicle?
The caption says it’s a competitor to the Pvkv III based on the m/38 hull.
Screenshot 2024-08-01 113525


First time ive seen that.

Though it doesent have a gun buut seing that the Emil was passed i think this would too

Firing woodchips fr

Wow, i’ve never seen this before, great find!

This is really weird made up info lol. That blurb is entirely incorrect I’m afraid. This is the so-called sandfältsvagnen, and it still survives today. It’s the turret of the pvkv III welded to the hull of the original L-60 prototype. It was likely created as a range target considering its construction but for some reason it survived. Hopefully it will be saved soon…


Ah, thanks for the clarification. Having a log instead of the gun makes sense for a range target, so I suppose this vehicle can’t be added after all.

Do you know where it is located? I’d love to try and find a restoration group and donate a few bucks towards its restoration and save it from a worse fate.

It’s in a military area. Head of Arsenalen (swedish tank museum) has tried to get in touch regarding its recovery but he has been refused thus far


Are those walter saggittas? I heard they are horrendous