Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Never stopped gaijin from adding ahistorical items to vehicles before.

Hey hey hey
says in a sexy voice


ARMIGER Air to ground missile (Radar homing head not functional but in game we can use the IR seeker as a counterpart to the PGM-2000, FINALLY germany gets a ducking SOW)


i would also like any more info on this elusive missile
@x_Shini may u know anything?

no idea, the multi rail launcher with the amraam?

no… it does look different

well the rail itself looks like a makeshift throw together for simple launch so i doubt we can find anything similar

hey, I have seen this missile before … well almost
its from a patent on a missile using independent roll control to keep the target in the FoV of its asymmetrically mounted seeker, filed by BGT in '95

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Yes i think this is it

A preliminary design drawing for the armiger.

They later decided to go with 4 ducted inlets on all sides like the meteor has 1 on its underside.

found something on the Kormoran

Screenshot 2024-07-25 155241

do we have the kormoran 1 or 2 in game?

range matches K2,
mass matches K1,
warhead does not match K1 OR K2…

wtf do we have???

middle of both. XD

gaijin kek


as always

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whats this F-104G carrying underneath?

Hmm, not sure exactly, but given this Starfighter is attached to WTD-61, my guess is some kind of measuring equipment.

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Here’s another photo of it, painted orange

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Maybe one day…
for the Tiger…

Judging by the vertical launch cells… it is at least NLOS with a surface launch system

back image?.. maybe a datalink to allow for mid flight control like the spike has IRL?
yeah that seems most likely

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Semi-Active Laser


lets hope the other two are soon to follow

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Any chance its this thing:?

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