Why US stuck in 1995?

Hehe yeah…

Well yeah he is kind of correct unlike amram delta that has Sustainer motor that’s using slower burning fuel meteor is using somthing similar to ramjet engine

The meteor has a throttle essentially, It uses a large boost of energy to climb to lofting altitude then throttles down to preserve fuel (it’s still being powered unlike an amraam in this stage) then it throttles back up when it reaches it’s NEZ, meaning it has full ability to change course and adjust without eating into it’s energy.

The amraam D on the other hand has a motor that boosts it up to lofting alt, then it will enter a semi-glide using it’s sustainer towards it’s NEZ, overall the Meteor is a far better missile since Ramjet is more efficient and it maintains more energy over range

That’s true. But the Meteor won’t be doing any better when the Typhoon carrying it gets smote by a -174 receiving DL updates from a 22 or 35 you never saw 🤷🏻‍♂️

Whatever you believe mate 👍


Yeah that’s what I was trying to say as well and also the r77m is kind of a similar unlike meteor it doesn’t have a ramjet engine but it does have a Sustainer motor and the second Stage booster when it gets close to target

R-77M is decent, it just has a worse NEZ due to it’s guidance systems and DL linking


Better in theory to the AIM-120D however


It’s not a question of believe, facts don’t care about your acceptance of them 🤣

Maybe a newer European Fighters cannot lock them on the radar however you still forget that European Fighters such as typhoon and rafal have state of the art IR sensors in there nose (and there is claimed that during mocke fight typhoons managed to detect f22 or f35 a distance of 70ish km with IR optic although I’m not completely sure if that was true)


The factual nature of your statement is dubious, the Meteor is better than any US made missile in service currently and new European 4.5th gen AESA sets are on par with the current F-35 sets


True as well, the PIRATE and french equivalent are both very much capable of tracking and slaving Missiles onto stealth aircraft

🤣🤣🤣. Sure bud.

Go ahead and tell me the red banner distance on the air launched 174 😉

The meteor is a very good missile, and the Typhoon is a very capable aircraft. (And I’ve worked war games with them)

There are other missiles and aircraft that are good too, often in different ways.

And let’s be real at the end of the day this is war thunder it’s a game we don’t know how all of these aircraft are going to perform

Except CAPTOR-E is designed to counter F-22/F-35 stealth so no total guarantee of defence there and PIRATE can detect an F-22 at about 50km i think. (also Typhoon ECM is proven to be so good, F-22s cant fire until they are well within 50km, as per F-22 pilots in the war games vs German Typhoons a few years ago) And besides F-35 with ASRAAM and Meteor beats F-35 with Aim-9X and Aim-120D

Also Typhoon vs F-15EX which is probablky the best the US is getting as the inherrent balancing issues with stealth just become a problem in War Thunder


Look you’re at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter how long range your missiles are because if you have more than three brain cells you can use the terrain to mask yourself and defend against them

Oh stealth is very much not a do all, it’s just a question of detection distance and looking in the right spot.

I’m simply pointing out that it wouldn’t simply be seal clubbing, as there are plenty of options that level the field.

I would agree though. Unlikely to see a 22 or 35, or even the late model Eurofighters as they are on the cutting edge and almost all of the systems and how they integrate will be classified.

It will be a relatively mulled down and ‘balanced’ experienced when it comes to stealth, I imagine all 5th gen stealth aircraft will all share an RCS for simplicity and balance, on the other hand, the Meteor will in a META sense be similar to the dominance of the R-27ER although it will have contemparies that keep up in short-medium range (R-77M, AIM-120D) and then a couple of missiles which hold a candle to it in a BVR joust (AIM-174, R-37M, PL-15 and PL-21) but generally the best AAMs in the future of war thunder will be the European and Chinese Fox-3s

Im fully expect Typhoon F2 with Aim-9M and Aim-120Bs vs F-15Es with Aim-9M/Aim-9X and Aim-120Cs this december. Just because Gaijin Balancing. really not looking forward to it

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The whole purpose of a missile such as PL15 r37 and aim 174 are to force enemies to go defensive but war thunder is multiplayer it’s going to be multiple long range missiles on multiple targets like the maximum range of those missiles is impressive however you’re gonna be shooting at Fighters which means cut that in like less than a half

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