Why US stuck in 1995?

He discredits himself with those claims. Frankly I don’t know why he makes them they shot down an F-117 while it was becoming dated tech for the US at the time it still is a large feat.

To Ak’s point he even says they got word from outside sources that aircraft was operating in the area.

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Given that it happens in the 90’s, and has been long established with multiple interviews and articles?

No, we know the how and why.

And an F-16. He was basically the only bright spot in the performance of the AD during the entire campaign.

Lying just hurts his rep

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Typhoon could have come with F-15C MSIP II

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If it were a full up F-15C i would agree, not this current hack job of an aircraft that currently sits ingame

To be fair, a significant number of the vehicles in both the Brit and US trees are hack jobs so it’s kind of just part of the MO now

Most 3rd gen + jet aircraft are hack jobs, not only Brit and US stuff.

Though, Britian in perticular are most affected by the extremely poor state of BOL (with nearly every single rank 8 aircraft dependent on them for CMs) and the major issues pertaining to IR signatures for high thrust aircraft, aka the Harrier with 2/6 of our Rank 8 aircraft being Harrier’s.

The combo does leave a notable number of our aircraft far more vulnerbale than they should be. Also the Tornados and the SHar are BVR trucks, not dogfighters. Meaning only really the Gripen can go toe to toe with most other nations top tier that can wield F-15s, F-16s, Gripen, Su-27, J-10 etc. And compared to all of those, it has some of the weakest ARHs in game, with the R-Darters liking to loft into space.

Whislt yes, many nations have major issues on their aircraft, I dont think most have quite as many as can be found on British aircraft at the moment.

Britain might have more but every nation has so many issues that I don’t think british aircraft are really treated that much worse than average. The problem is usually more related to the additions themselves.

Most of this issues are also related on how the devs decided to model stuff in the game: BOL suffers because Gaijin can’t seem to code different size or rise time for chaff and flares (either making BOL large caliber with far lower flare rise time or make flare small caliber and chaff large caiber would work to model them better), R-77 suffers because missiles can only have linear drag coefficient, F-15s can’t fire sparrows in HPRF mode because of radar coding limitations and so on and on.

The deeper problem are additions. If the F-18C was introduced earlier Britain and Germany would have competitive top tier, if the MiG-29M was introduced Soviet mains wouldn’t complain and so on. China got the J-10 but we could have gotten it already in june without having them to endure 3 months of the absolute dogshit plane that the J-11A is.

This is true, Im currently fearing the Typhoon is going to be so badly delayed that it wont be competitive. There is already a good chance its going to be rather heavily gimped, either by Gaijin modeling or by issues like the fact it has a high TWR and only BOL, might make it impossible to flare anything in.

Unless we see a big jump in avionics before it is added, typhoon will be competitive.
Flight performance of the thing is a monster, a full step above current stuff.

It should be. But no gurantee that after the Gripen, its not going to have some artificial handicaps in place.

Though FM holds less of an impact these days at top tier. Would only take the F-15C getting Aim-120Cs and the Typhoon to be left with Aim-120Bs for it to be at a major disadvantage.

I mean the gripen got a very very generous FM, everything that needed to be estimated was taken to the very upper end (and that’s after 2 full threads and multiple bug report), if typhoon gets same treatment it would be a rocketship lol.

Not sure about that. FM impact is still huge and imho still bigger than missiles and radar. The reason the F-15C is so good currently, apart from the radar and missile kit, is that it can climb super fast to 10000m, go mach 1.5, shoot amraams, defend hard, drop only 3000m and still go mach 1.5+. Try to do that in something else and you would be going mach 0.5 at the end without dropping more altitude.
This matters more than one thinks. Firing the same missiles 500kph faster alone has a bigger impact than most people think.
If both sides played perfectly imho a typhoon with 120Bs would win over an F-15C with 120Cs.
In air RB furballs missiles matter more in proportion to FM than what they do in 1v1-8v8 matches, but point still stands.