Why the russina have all the fun?

This is me humoring you, what exactly is the correlation between the USA being handheld for 12 years overall and them receiving small pockets of time where they aren’t the DOMINANT meta? (Keeping in mind the F-15E is LITERALLY STILL THE 3RD OVERALL BEST JET?)

It’s not the past. It’s the present. USA is STILL handheld throughout the entire tree start to finish…it has the largest amount of undertiered planes in the game.


Russia at 1.0-5.0 has one major weakness:

They got literally no ammo.

You get like, 120 rounds maybe 150. VERY RARELY 200 and that’s it. Can’t even fall back on peashooter 7.7mms.

I imagine this weakness isn’t that big of a deal in arcade, but it’s definitely given me a serious headache in ASB.

With a Bf109F4, Spitfire IX or P-51 cannonstang, I can easily loiter for 30 minutes and engage in fights without landing and take hail-mary shots without fear of going dry. Flying my Yak-1B I feel forced to make every shot count which makes me unable to pressure enemies as well as I can in my other planes. It’s why I’ve far more games in my I-185 over the Yak-15b as it’s just plain not fun having to make do with 120 rounds.

And let’s not even talk about the F4U-4 which has basically infinite ammo letting you pull the trigger the moment the enemy is vaguely in front of you. Maybe you hit, maybe you don’t. Who cares? Got more where it came from.


Entire tree or top tier, pick a lane. Stop flopping all over the place because I correctly pointed out that they were wrong and they’re not handheld and the best at top tier.

You can go on tangents all you want, you’re still wrong with regards to exactly what I responded to.

I have no issue with (and I think most others would agree) Gaijin modeling tanks off of paper designs assuming perfect manufacturing. This is also assuming the vehicle was capable, and operated, as it was designed. For example the ERA specs say one thing on paper, but in actuality are just rubber blocks and there is a good possibility they were never manufactured/capable as they say they were.
Same goes for their planes, especially the newer ones, were they actually manufactured as the russian propaganda/paper works says, and were they capable of operating that way.

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No their hands are for sure still held. USA tech tree is the easiest one to grind through given how many undertiered planes they have.

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I know from personal experience that all nations do that and not just to play the spy game with enemy nations ,they do it to fool the press and the public and increase troop morale that they have the latest and greatest.
There are many reasons why Gaijin are fools to destroy the game for non gaming reasons. They wont even have much of the data for modern vehicles anyway. So they must 100% be making stuff up.Just admit it. A little creative licence OK no big deal.
Just drop the pretense.

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I agree the E-M diagrams for the EFT and other similar planes are completely secret so how would they even know.

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I never once said critics are the problem, Im one myself.
You dont appear to be a critic as most threads you reply in you are holding gaijin’s hand in every decision they make.

Gaijin uses whatever sources best suit them. They are forever changing what is an acceptable source, and even going so far as to say “thats not possible” with direct information from manufactures/testing like Gaijin somehow knows better themselves without any conflicting sources. The RDF/LT debacle was especially amusing to watch.


Sure thing, but not what I responded to you about.

Many vehicles are highly classified and some for 50 years as we all know. Some are classified for the sake of being classified to make everybody think there is something amazing going on. Either way there is so much fiction at top tier because nobody has the data in the public domain.


The US Air Tree is handheld throughout THE ENTIRE TREE. There is at no point where US Aircraft are suffering within the whole tree.


Or because the plane was much better than originally expected.


Not what I responded about.

The US is and always will be dominant in regards to air. Yes, it is dominant right now.

They’re not the dominant nation at top tier right now.

The EF2K is better, sure. Doesn’t mean the F-15E is useless. Yes, US jets still dominate the skies.

I never claimed the middle sentence.
Your first and last statements are at odds with each other.

A million reasons in any vehicles. Cost is the big one. Nobody wants to admit Uranium was removed at a certain point due to cost or availability for example.
Nobody want to admit a plane was liable for a number of pilot deaths etc etc etc

I meet up with my old buddies or we talk on the forums for service people and we laugh about the BS we were told now looking back so many years later.
Even WW2 history is so chock full of BS and even now we use that BS to further our political agendas.

My point is we all need to cut Gaijin some slack but most of all Gajin need to cut themselves some slack and admit to how much fantasy they peddle.Then I am sure we will all lighten up and enjoy the game.


The. US. Is. Still. Dominant.
There we are.

Can’t be true if 4 other nations have better planes. We’ve done enough circles. I’m out.