Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

Minor Nation Tax™

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French 7.3 I mean 7.7 I mean 8.0 lineup? Well, might as well take the 8.3s too, and now we have a 9.3 uptier.

Well according to Laserdestroy that means the Char25T is the right BR.

You’re the worst person I’ve seen here at trolling. It’s almost as bad as your argument that the T-32E1 needs to go down in BR. With that said, at least your idea isn’t as outlandish as that one guy that hates barrel damage and thinks that the 7.7 heavies should go to like 6.7.


You’re using Thunderskill to prove a vehicle is fine and call me a troll lmao

Where is a better place for vehicle statistics? Tell me and I’ll use that. If there isn’t one, then I guess that’s the best we have.


You should never use player stats for balancing.

Why not?

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Because if a vehicle (like the T32E1 or other 7.7s) performs quite poor bad players don’t use it much so only the good players are left to play it. This makes the vehicle seem ok despite it being a higher BR than it should be.

Most extreme case of this:



So how else should it be balanced then?

Should it be fine for good players to leverage a vehicle moving down in BR, making them an even stronger force then they are now? It would be better for everyone if that vehicle only used by good players should stay where it is so it isn’t abused. Lesser of two evils.

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Manually reviewing each vehicle and having good players decide.

It wouldn’t be “abused” it would just be good again. I play niche vehicles because I like them. I could probably do better in the 6.7 tanks if I actually wanted to learn them because they are good vehicles yet I chose the 7.7 for them being unique. Why should 6.7 be allowed to have strong tanks but not 7.7 (should be 7.3).

Seems to be another victim of BR compression…Too strong to mingle with the 6.3s and such, but also very vulnerable when exposed to cold war stuff.

Explain how this is too strong for 6.3 when the Tiger 2 or T34 exist.

Tbh, I’ve never died to it, so it must be utter shit.

T32E1 has much better armor than both, and the gun is arguably at least just as good.

Both the T34 and Tiger 2 can kill each other quite easily, but neither will have great chances against a T32E1 that lacks any major frontal weakspots.

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And maybe 10 people play it.

So giving good players the power to dictate game balance? That is a terrible idea. All that will happen is good vehicles will move to be better, which is bad for everyone else that doesn’t play those vehicles. Giving the community say over the balance of the game doesn’t work because everyone has biases. Those biases would ruin any chance of actually balancing things fairly, and only having “good players” have the power to decide leaves out most casual players which the game is designed for.

So if you, someone with a 5/1 k/d in the T-32E1, was able to use that tank in an easier br setting it would be absolutely terrible for everyone else. This is the bias and abuse that would come with “good players” (whatever that actually means) deciding game balance.

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That’s why it should be 7.3 and not 6.7.

Wtf no it isn’t. It doesn’t have the reload of the Tiger 2 or the pen of the T34.

Again that’s why it’s a higher BR than both.

Didn’t answer how the T32E1 threatens 6.3 more than these 2 heavies.

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Just a short example, the 6.3 122m D-25T cannon on the IS-2 can put a BR-471B shell through the frontal hull of the T-34 and through the turret face of the Tiger 2 at 500m. It cannot do that to either part of the T-32E1. The T-32E1 can also pen anywhere it wants on the IS-2 or any other 6.3 tank. Bringing the T-32E1, or any of the 7.7 heavies, to 7.3 would be a poor choice for balancing. If players don’t like the T32E1, then they should learn how to play it in a way that utilizes the vehicles strengths, not by lowering it so everyone can stomp other vehicles. That isn’t balance, that is stacking the deck for “good players” to exploit.


Coulda sworn it had a 105mm. Must have thought of another US heavy.

Because they can’t pen it anywhere? Tiger 2 frontal turret is quite weak and the side armor is thin, T34 and friends at least have an MG port on the hull and a fairly weak LFP and hull side armor.

The T32E1 is basically a Jumbo Sherman with even less weakspots, there is literally NOWHERE they can penetrate - unless they’re one of the few tanks with HEAT-FS, and even then it won’t be a killing blow due to smaller caliber shells having rather localized damage.

And while the gun certainly isn’t exceptional, T41 APHE isn’t bad by any stretch against 6.3s and 6.7s - a Tiger 2 or T34 are easy kills for it.

So you have a heavy tank that is virtually unkillable from the front anywhere, that has no issues dispatching some of the best tanks at their BRs. These two simply shouldn’t meet.

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