Why some people claims certain Air Sim matches to be PVE and tells everyone who plays A2A to leave?

I have been playing WT for a while and had occasionally tried Air Simulator Battles (or whatever ASB is). Most of the time I get people doing different things like base bombing, PVE, and PVP. I actually got a few good dog-fights against other players. But no one complains about getting shot down by an enemy fighter.
BUT, today, I was trying to play the AJS37 and JA37C in ASB (as there was a BR change). And the moment I shot down a player, some guy on my own team started telling me its a PVE only session and called me an a-hole.
Like why? I don’t see the description of the mission being “PVE”. And I was absolutely confounded because they were auguring as if they are morally correct or sth. I guess they are trying to grind the event, but how the f am I suppose to know? I see sth on my radar and it’s not friendly so I shoot it down. Isn’t that how you are SUPPOSED to play? If you want a PVE sim mode then go make a suggestion!
Any comments or similar experiences?


Don’t listen to them.
What they are doing is not allowed in warthunder. You can consult with the moderators if needed.
Keep at your thing and watch out for team killers.


Sim is frequently used for PvE, but it is not a PvE mode. If I recall asking for people to play PvE is also against the rules and quite a few people got banned in a wave before over this. Asking in chat specifically.

Kill them all)
Farmers must be destroyed


They are breaking game rules. Please report them via in game complain system when they do so.

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