I actually tried this, got the Pe-8 and Lancaster and the highest br plane I have is ho-229, note that as someone who has no interest in flying, it take a long ass time to research air units this high, still ended up default to mostly playing my favourite ground vehicle and never touched the air units ever again, so learning to fly doesn’t work for me, you will never enjoy the game if you being encouraged to do something you shows zero interest in. There is nothing wrong with hating certain part of the gameplay, too.
Or you can play like me. I login everyday, enter a match, say something bullsht that make me happy , make some complaining to everyone in this match and die (ofcouse i die because of russian kh 38s missile not self destruction) then i exit the game play another games to wait until, until gaijin add a good spaa for US that can perfome better or same as the pantsht so i can kill all the russian aircraft and stop suffering about russian cas
Yes good google search, game is so bad that Gaijin even take the flag away from you, but you can buy one on a special Golden Eagle Flag Box gamble.
Simply the game very quickly becomes very boring.
Naval was developed from boats, and had tried to make crew and part damage into boats, then they expanded the theory into more larger vessels and to destroyers. Component shooting is a more interesting mechanic than the old WOWS HP bar, and we have realistic torpedo speed, ship speed, ranging, armour pens, etc. and we even got missiles. And there was Naval EC that provide a view of the long range continuous & realistic engagements with great profit. Both interesting and rewarding. The separation of blue and green, though made top green a joke, gave more people a chance to try destroyers and cruisers
Then it is forgotten, no balance, no decompression, little new vessels, only france got half a unfinished new line, Even some naval streamers can design a better line with MANY vessels Both blue and green. There are problems here, problems there, AP and HE mechanics got changed back and forth, Now we say Nobody cares about naval.
Would be nice to add something more like PvE missions for squads
add additional objectives in ground RB instead of only getting caps to maybe killing enemy convoys which drive through the maps and if you succeed you get the enemy team to lose some points (like in air RB)
bigger maps like in sim battles so the battles take some time to unfold
add a skill based matchmaker so you actually care about the game (normal rb and skilled rb) if you wan’t to play with the team earn real xp and don’t get screwed by 1dl a skill based mm would be awesome ^^
Because we play 10 year old placeholder gamemodes over and over and over and over and over and over again on the same 5 maps against the same 4 premium vehicles now with decreased timer and boosted ticket bleed.
I used to pull 80-90h per week…
Every time someone dares questioning why Gaijin doesn’t bother to create new gamemodes (or why they remove GOOD gamemodes) there’s always at leat 6 people swarming the thread to defend the enshittification of the game. It’s made worse when they’re often straight up lying about what the average matches are like, pretending it’s still 2013-2019 era War Thunder where there totally isn’t a massive issue with bots, Chinese aimbotters/wallhackers and now the recently discovered issue where the game straight up makes other players invisible and mutes any sound they make.
War Thunder is not a tank game. It is a combined arms game. This is stated plainly on the store page. If you are unwilling to grind the air or helicopter trees presented to your nation and you are unwilling to find a nation whose air or helicopter trees seem suitable for you you should find a different game to play. Things are only going to get worse as time goes on and more advanced weapons are fielded. Just as in real life Air has dominance over Ground. The objective is to control the skies.
This is also just a silly statement to make. If this was even remotely true then Air would allow players to play as AA, but you can’t. Plane is only planes but tanks has to be everything because “realism”.
The community has been asking for better AAA solutions in ARB, while player AAA can actually be something interesting in ARB, in AF or with convoy, and may enhance convoy logic… …
The unfinished War Thunder lol
Then maybe it’s about time they introduced a Tank game.We have more than enough players calling for a just a pure ground variation and zero reason why not ever given by Gaijin. They simply say they do not wish to implement such a thing at this time.
people are finding a different game to play that is why so many veterans are leaving and the game is ,apparently according to the forum, suffering as a result…
Honestly, Naval EC is the most fun I have had in a while.
3 hour match yesterday and didnt get bored of it, when I had enough of getting clapped and dishing out damage with ships, I could jut play with Tu-1 and go bomb bases for a while as if I was playing air EC.
Some kind of “persistent”, well maybe not so persistent but some long duration enduring confrontation mode would be fun, where you could play with 3 types of vehicles (maybe helis and higher tier planes when ships catch up). BUT no, over 10 years runnin’ and still nothing new mode wise for ground, at least air rb got larger maps (finally).
Its just a shame that Naval EC rewards suck, 200% RP or whatever high tier booster it was and only 200k SL and 36k RP even for good performance (3 hours btw).
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Yea, servers lately seem to be crapping themselves.
The event kfir grind has been terrible, tryinna do the tasks with Su-27S and way too often, like every ~fifth game I get 12% PL and some magic hand just pushes my plane straight to ground, like from mach 1 speed to 0kmh and from 70 meter altitude to 0 in few seconds.
Yup. I can usually measure how long it’s going to take you to say something that is, as always, totally wrong and baiting with an egg timer. Not to mention barely on topic, Alvis. Those of us who actually played Civ for years have endlessly complained about how dumb the Civilization AI was - And how we wished Firaxis/MicroProse would fix it. And I know because I was a Civ2 modder back in the day. Naturally, you use that as a standard of merit …😑
However, if you are making an argument for PVE in Warthunder then please just do so as a suggestion in the thread, preferably without chewing gum and throwing wrenches at people.
PVE would be interesting, and possibly fun. I just seriously doubt Snail has the resources for such a major project. I also doubt there would be much return on the investment from their perspective. I would instead like to see them fix issues that have been outstanding for a long while.
lol I knew who you were on about without even looking.
Instead of defending War Thunder by attacking those criticizing it, how about you acknowledge the fact War Thunder’s AI is holding back War Thunder?
Just as DCS’s AI held it back a bit before 2023…
War Thunder is boring for the same reason all PVP games are boring: People are tired of PVP as a concept in general.
It’s been over-saturated for over a decade.
I hope one day you stop attacking Spanish Avenger and other WT players for critiquing War Thunder.
😐 Who?
Never mind, just keep doing you sigh
You mentioned Spanish Avenger: The dude that knows naval, and I can only assume you saw him talk about bombers since everyone present has likely played them.
I play every game mode in War Thunder and every class of vehicle, even if I’m meh with SPAA; so it’s obvious you weren’t talking about anyone in this topic.
And if me criticizing War Thunder’s flaws is anything other than good to you, then maybe you should learn to accept other perspectives.
As I said, be kind to others.