Why is this game getting so boring?

I have been playing for a couple of months, and I am getting bored.
Same maps, Same Fricking Airplanes and Helicopters. I am trying to play a tank game but despite anything I do, The flying demons kill me, that gets boring.
There is no tank only mode, except custom battles.
But those don’t count, Have I one and done. No but I have one and taken a break while I gave a beer
or go pee.
Why go back to an assault and get killed immediately because the spawning is crap too.
Same Maps, I am tired of Sinai, that’s the worse.
I have decide no more premiums, no more purchases.
If the game isn’t to MY liking, then I can do something else.

Love those videos on youtube, where the paid voices rant and rave.

Don’t trust those people, how can anyone normal play this game for a decade?


They should add a tank-only mode checkbox for premium users, like how we can select to participate in night matches or ban maps.


Because there’s no other game like this.


Gaijin just added more and more vehicles without thinking about introducing a new mode. Yes, this old game mode lasted for ten years. But given the uniqueness of War Thunder in this regard, he will continue to do so forever.


Key point to this post. Later!

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  • Infinite grind
  • bad servers (for consoles at least)
  • no thoughtful events (its always same boring events just diffrent profile pictures or vehicles)
  • bad dailys, bad achivments, litterallyo no good reward unles you buy something
  • fact that you need to spade vehicles starting with stock being paired in battles with spaded vehicles . Its like they want you to not enjoy…
  • having 10 nations and still unreasonable grind is just wild to me.

And its confusing since potential of this game is unlimited.


There’s a reason I play every BR and every game mode.
Air, ground, helicopters, naval. BRs 1 - 14.
Can never get tired of the game when every day is something different.

If you want to avoid OP CAS play BRs 1 - 10 in ground where SPAA is as-good as CAS.

There are issues with the game that need addressed; Stuff to do isn’t one of them.

I’ve had no server issues since Israel was added.
Grind is among the quickest from my experience in gaming.
Dailies are all doable.
Stock vehicles are almost all playable.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


So because I’ve never baited in my life, and don’t report people, you’re upset with me? lol
Well, I’ll keep being sincere and kind, I’ll keep only ever flagging posts that espouse insults and racial slurs against you and everyone else.

Anyway I think if they try to be more creative with events and not just be like “do 40k points” game can be fun…
To me personally only grinding to certian thing in game is what keeps me playing and physics being soo on point.


Which YouTube videos are you talking about? Their official one? I have not once seen a shill YouTube video on War Thunder - most are simply instructional but ones with opinions opine quite a bit, even with their in-game rewards.

As for anyone normal playing for ten years… ya got me, however over these +10 years the game has changed quite a bit, and I have not once played a single tank (or ship).

~Demons from above


Giving a feature that part of the community been asking for months maybe years behind premium account is very frustating, but I have no doubts that if at some point Gaijin adds this, which will hugely affect air player count, which cover a good part of the revenue with premium airplanes, be added with some “funny” requirement.

Honestly I prefer having Sinai which is decent for longer range engagements over North Holland or Seversk-13 where I feel like a German or Soviet soldier in Stalingrad fighiting over a room in a building.


They used to do just that, and most people seemed to hate it for being “too complex and confusing”…

Before, crafting events involved themed, unique elements to progress rather than just getting score points.

Basically, you had to earn raw materials by playing, in order to craft components which would be used to build the vehicle in question. Not so “confusing” to me, if I may add…

But people hated on it with such intensity for so long that Gaijin ended up ditching the crafting format and made events score-dependant only instead, just like the old times.

I guess I don’t mind either format. Crafting events were slightly more profitable, score-based ones are slightly easier. I’m fine with whichever the community as a whole happens to prefer.

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There is zero competition for War Thunder that’s why this game gets away with so much

this grinding of score is just making everyone play this game really bad…thats why top tire game ends in 5 minutes, everyone goes for kill and then just play new game.
Now I get people bombing base and then j-out and new game…

Too bad this game is just a limited fun…but at least I still enjoy physics and these new planes…

Also I think simple taks like “play 10 games in strike plane” or bomber or jet or prop or something like that
Or win few games
Like simple task would make this game a more fun, since when I get “bomb bases” i really dont care about killing other players… but If I had to just play 10 games I would kill other players and play it more relaxed.

having complicated or 40k score is just dull and boring.

Because there is no variety in the game. Whether it’s ships or tanks or planes that you play, it’s always either team deathmatch or domination. You do the exact same thing on the exact same maps over and over and over and over and over again whether you’re using an interwar biplane or a fighter jet that entered service mere years ago, whether you’re in a dinky little M3 Stuart or a T-90M.

Meanwhile Enduring Confrontation is just sitting there, rotting in sim, collecting dust, for like 8 fucking years now. Even in its pitiful abandoned state it would be an immediate and gigantic improvement over the current “gamemodes” that we have. It is ludicrous and infuriating to see this much potential being left on the table for no discernible logical reason!!

Wasn’t the whole point of War Thunder from the very beginning the combined arms aspect, and where else could that combined arms aspect reach its maximum potential other than EC or something very similar?


my brother in snail we have cross play. It’s the same servers

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so your bad takes are a universal thing huh


yeah the guy is either baiting or a massive fanboy. Far away from reality.