Why is this game getting so boring?

Yeah and he flagged me of course 🙄

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Yeah after a while on here you get to know who the flaggers are. Apple for the teacher!


Once again this is not a tank game.
It’s a plane game, tanks 2nd. Planes came first, and tanks came after.
So to correct you.
It is a Plane, Tank and Ship game. In chronological order.

Is this what Alvis flagged? Like I said we know who the phantom flagger is lol


Yup, like I said, just you keep doing you Alvis 😑

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But I can see no interaction between the two parties? Am I missing something or have you over done it with the Christmas Sherry Alvis ? : ) I might be going off topic but only to stop your derailing here.

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I do have to wonder what causes people to defend something that clearly isn’t good for them or anyone else. It can’t be because they spent money on it because that would be too simple. So either it’s just trolling or they’re one of those people that get paid to say good things about something.


Glad to see my take repeated. :)

Zero harm in you genuinely loving this game Alvis and if you do then you have the right to stand by that.Stop with the weird curve-balling.Stop creating forum issues that don’t exist and let the moderators do the moderating bro.

All the best.

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Those that critique love the most, and those that love the most have the strongest critiques.
Love is about wanting what’s best for the other party. Best version of that potential self.

This is why I don’t defend the flaws of War Thunder; I’ve only ever defended the existence of the game itself, and the obvious good aspects.

This is why all of my posts in this topic are my criticizing War Thunder, and zero are defending it.
This topic is about why the PVP game of War Thunder is boring, and I addressed why it is multiple times.

Meanwhile people attack me after I criticize War Thunder making it look like their posts are defending War Thunder.

And this is the madness of which I speak : ) …OK whatever mate.

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Yes this is the current failure of the developers and they should be constantly reminded that all other game modes in War Thunder are combined arms.

Air Realistic is horrendously boring something must be done to make it more entertaining.

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Gaijin has not shown any interest in creating such a mode. I don’t believe they’re incentivized to either, they make more $$$ from ground players being forced to buy Air premiums to grind for CAS / CAP potential.


I don’t believe there is any data to support that the current playerbase is shrinking. Gaijin has stated they recognize high tier CAS as being unbalanced in the current game state and are looking in to developing more advanced SPAA systems to compensate.

I’ve suggested a multitude of other fixes but if Gaijin is willing to implement things like the S400 or Patriot system then CAS will cease being a serious issue. Currently all they’ve said is they’re looking to develop “multi vehicle” systems which require a launch vehicle + a radar vehicle etc. We shall see.


Keep in mind that TF2 stats showed it having a high player count until the bot accounts were banned. Given the rise of bots in War Thunder I wouldn’t put much trust in these numbers.

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Which is repeating what I said.If CAS was such a money maker there would be much more premium CAS wouldn’t there instead of players screaming out for it as they do.

I didn’t mention quantity but quality.Old veterans leaving and kids with nothing but a single pack vehicle coming in.Not even my opinion but a common forum belief.

The spam of cold war artillery was something nobody seemed to ask for and it filled gaps that were not there while leaving gaps that were.
I do agree that Gaijin care only for making cheap cosmetic changes for short term profit.Keep the old engine ticking over.

The game is showing it’s age and long since out lived it’s engine.I think the point where the game actually worked is about mid BR as well. I don’t think the game ever lent itself to modern warfare that much. I think PVP games only work where there is line of sight.

I think the game is like Fallout 4 where any real improvement would have to made by the fans if that were possible and it would soon outstrip the companies efforts.


It wasn’t just a google search, as soon as you said it was CTF I knew you were wrong…

It’s still boring though.

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For you…

It is boring now.Now the immersion is washed away the mask has slipped and we can see it for what it is. Might as well be an 80s Atari game

its cause they dont add new modes or anything at all same game since 2013 its all just new jet then thats it very boring

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