Why is this allowed?

Thank you all for the insightful replies, I hope every single match you play ends like this
Half of the players in this image inside premium vehicles were under level 25


Let’s do some fact-checking here, shall we?

-peetabar (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100
-Snixren_ (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100
-kx2002 (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100
-o3__3o_ (Centauro RGO): Level 100
-阿富汗耐摔王 (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100

-Phonks123321 (Christian II): Level 100
-HeyIJustMatthew (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100
-mirunamu70 (Type 90 (B) “Fuji”): Level 100
-巨大水獭多冲滩 (CV90105): Level 100
-thorbumbi (M1128 Wolfpack): Level 100
-ParadiseHoney (M1 KVT): Level 26
-OrlinX_PD (Christian II): Level 22

Literally 10 out of 12 Premiums are Level 100s, including all 5 one-death leavers. Did you think we couldn’t check the usernames?

Are you going to make a post about all of these Level 100s too, or are one-death-leaving-Premiums suddenly not a problem here?


My only problem with them is joining chill custom battles killing L3s and tryng to do the same to other tanks in custom battles, for the normal ones, there just free kills

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They are fine to do what they want in a monetary sense, but gaijin’s decision to allow them to purchase premiums in rank 7/8 and with similar if not identical performance to end of the line or very desirable tt vehicles was a massive mistake, one that can’t really be reverted

The game was much, much more healthy back when rank 6 premiums were the highest rank premiums you could access, especially since they were also relegated to the 9.7-10.3 region, allowing top tier to remain as a desirable end goal for people, now you can buy a rank 7 premium tank that does the same, if not better than the top tier tech tree vehicles…


It’s allowed because Gaijin has to make money somehow for a F2P kind of game.

A feature that will help a lot is when there is 1 vehicle in the Line up, it will automatically give the premium vehicle 2 or 3 free spawns. That way, it will prevent ODL for players with 1 vehicle. Once there is more than 1, say 2+ vehicles, it will go back to normal on costing SP to spawn and using back up cards. That to me is one huge way on stopping this kind of ODL for premium vehicles. But only allowed for Premium tank vehicles, not normal TT vehicles or event vehicles or even air premium vehicles.

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Top Tier is still the end goal for many people, primarily modern vehicle enthusiasts.

Rank 7 Premiums merely allow us to get there quicker skipping all previous tiers we don’t want to play for months till finally getting to the vehicles we are actually interested in.

People get Rank 7 Premiums precisely to get to the top quickly, not to settle playing a single vehicle forever…

So, in any case, it’s the opposite; Top Tier premiums are an excellent tool to grind to the top.

I know many people, including friends and myself, who would never bother to grind to Top Tier, let alone on additional trees, without the use of Top Tier Premium.

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Consumer protection laws, as well as just being good to consumers ethically.

Except they don’t, because owning something like the Clickbait or Fuji promotes complacency while grinding, since you already have access to M829A2 in the former’s case, and the 4 second reload in the latter’s, both are defining traits of their respective nation’s top tier MBTs, allowing the buyer to instantly gain access to a large portion of the top tier experience that they should have to grind for

There are people who buy premiums when they start and never touch the game afterwards. If they have chinese usernames they are probably either bots, account farmers, or both combined with cheats as well.

Not really. I have never seen anyone state such a thing.

The whole point and goal of Premium Rank 7s is to allow modern vehicle enthusiasts to grind a Rank 7 lineup quickly, because we are just not willing to spend months stuck through older vehicles until then.

Of course being able to do such grind with a vehicle you already enjoy is one of the main appeals.

We don’t buy a Rank 7 Premium and are suddenly like: “yes, I will have fun playing a single vehicle without any kind of lineup forever, i no longer have to grind for anything”…

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Now sure, your point stands for us experienced players who WILL use a high rank premium to reach top tier, but many of the low tier buyers will not use that to reach top tier, instead they will typically buy something like the clickbait on sale, play it for 50-150 games, getting sick of it in the process since they are inexperienced and that will in turn lead to frustration at the high tiers;

This barely occurred with vehicles like the TURMS and Type-16 FPS since both give a taste as to what’s to come, while also getting users used to key features of the tech tree, without having access to the best technology/round

That’s exactly what a majority of premium players do though…

That’s the thing; people like OP rage against “new players” on a lobby full of Premiums, blaming them… then it turns out 10 out of 12 of those Premiuns are Level 100s.

In many ocasions, the one-death leaving Level 100s don’t even have a Premium vehicle; they just leave after one death because they rage-quit, don’t like the map, blame their team, or whatever.

I’m just tired of this targeted hate towards “Premium noobs” and people claiming that they are the source for all one-death leaving problems in Top Tier.

Should I magically accept people who swipe a credit card and buy an entire tech tree without putting even an inch of effort? to me, that’s just insulting. It discredits those who put in actual worth and effort by saying “HEY Fudge you” your effort means nothing.

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So there is nothing wrong with 11.3-12.0 right now, it’s perfectly fine and fun to play in your eyes?

1- it still takes effort to grind a tree with a Premium vehicle.

2- and who are you to “accept” or “not accept” people based on how they decide to spend their time and money?

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Where did I mention premium vehicles? Find where i said the words “Premium Vehicles”

I insist:

Yet people keep liking OP’s post claiming that “half of the players were below level 25” even though I proved that 10 OUT OF 12 OF THEM were Level 100s.

“Premium noobs” are a scapegoat and I hate it.

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Are you serious?

So you basically hate them because you are jealous of them for being able to spend the money they earned working on a videogame they enjoy instead of, uh… (checks notes) “not putting actual worth and effort into grinding”?

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