Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

since you had 0 game played as Japan I can confirm that you have 0 idea about what you are talking about


if it had, I assume gaijin would think it is identical to Pantsir, then make it 11.7 lol. What are they thinking I don’t know.

Note: it is just slightly better than Strela, but not slightly worse than pantsir, its way off.


In game conditions, try the M4, it’s awful.

The Type 93 sucks as well.

This is one of the worst changes in this update. Moving it to 11.3 means it´s actual BR will be 11.7 as there is no 11.3 japan lineup. In actual gameplay it performers very similar to Strela not one whole BR better.


I agree like everyone else that the Typ 81 should not go up to 11.3 since this is basicly 11.7.
11.0 is fine because you can play it togheter with the typ 90s etc and the missile makes up for the missing radar(in my opinion).
But i bet the Su25 players where whining when the got droped out of the sky by the Tan Sam like flys since they stayed most of the time high and flew in a straight line.
As for the Typ 93, sure its not as competetive compared to other AA system at its BR, but i thin 9.3 is still fine for it, maby 9.0 since theynerfed the Thermals from Gen3 to 1.
Personally i was doing fine with it even at 11.7.

According to my Pass i got the second highest Aircraft kill count with it but i feel this list is pretty off with its stats for some vehicles not showing the true kill counts.

Just look at how many games you need to play and how often you have to die to get to that point in a Type 93 though.

Well, this is depressing.

I don’t see why it should be at 11.3. It has no radar, only 2 crew and 11.3 means basicly 11.7. Other countries (RUSSIA) have much more potent AAs at this BR.

Shouldnt you expect this that i have so many rounds in it since it was the best AA i had while completing the Tree to 100% ( now its 99% with the TKX 11.0 missing)

Geez seeing it side by side… that’s just embarrassing really. Not to mention the Type 93 has no gun whatsoever lol

You see the mistake he made there in that clip was when he queue’d up for a match, he accidentally had Japan selected instead of any other tree with a non IR reliant top tier spaa

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Given that a heli can position itself wherever it wants, even directly under the enemy airspawn? The missiles themselves might not be better, but they’re certainly far more effective.


Yeah I highly disagree with this change.

It removes it from Japans 11.0 lineup. So now you don’t have an SPAA again (because Type 93 is honestly hopeless at that BR)

I really, really cannot express how much I disagree with sabotaging the few lineups japan gets. you can now ONLY use it with the Type 10s at 11.7.

While yes, its great against aircraft (if you can find them without a search radar) Locking helis at anything over 2.5km is a complete crapshoot, and you definitely aren’t locking them above 4km, which is really great when most helis at the BR can sit 7-8km away. Nothing like being completely helpless while vikhrs get chucked at you.

the 10.0-11.0 uptier was to be fair, justified. This change is completely unjustified IMO
I guess my SPAA at 11.0 is now going back to being a Phantom.


Gaijin balances vehicles solely on player statistics rather than vehicle to vehicle performance. The only people who play Japan (until the recent 11.0 premium) were people with a modicum of skill. Due to this the statistics of the vehicle were inflated, doubly so because most CAS at its BR range don’t play Air RB and have no idea how to dodge IRCCM missiles. Gaijin wants to sell more SU-25Ks, they can’t face it at 11.3.


Buhuhuhu our glorious Premium SU-25 keep getting shot-down by Japanese trucks increase it BR plz gaijin or USSR will be unplayable
“Apes 2024”


Good CAS premiums sell. How else are they going to keep their SU25/A-6/A-10 sales so high.


They are not on the same level. As much as i hate TY-90, you literally just need to check game data to confirm this. Tyoe 81 missile is BETTER IN EVERY SINGLE WAY.

Guided weaponry data (in-game values) Honorable mention for Jaek_ for making amazing videos on missile on YouTube If you want to reach enlightment, then you have to spade the Italian heli line, no talisman/ premium/ boosters - Google Sheets

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That’s not even considering the fact that without a radar it just doesn’t get targeted nearly as much because it’s not being detected, add to that the fact the Pantsir has 4x 30mm with 60mm of pen which will surely lead to situations where they try to engage ground targets and lower their k/d

Opposed to a Type 81 that just sits near spawn because it cannot defend itself against ground targets and needs to be squinting as it has to detect a single off color pixel that could be a plane 10km… but instead those planes are just drones because of the absurd rendering of them.

Even without knowing anything about the missiles or even a person who doesn’t play the game will understand the Type 81 will get a better k/d than a Pantsir because of this.

Somehow Gaijin doesn’t.


No surprise if type 81 will be at same BR at same BR as pantsir or Pantsir get down br in the future because of well everyone know how USSR players play this game


Pantsir has IRST tracking no?

The issue remains.