Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

To reiterate my points in one post:
I find the Type 81 lacking both at 11.0 and 11.3.
Without a search radar it’s worse than me just bringing a fighter to deal with things that are up in the sky.

So unless we’re getting AI radars soon, I’ll continue to not focus on getting it as I have the following to get first:

I have the Type 89, and my KDR in it was when I was bad at IFVs and it was very much OP.

That, or a nice Type 11 FCS vehicle with towed launcher:



Though an AESA search and track radar giving datalink to AESA missiles of 16+km range might still be a bit much for now, unless they nerf the way the radar would work significantly.


They do realize it. See Gaijin felt a great deal of pain seeing the bloated Russian 10.0 lineup be slightly damaged by the Strela going up .3 BR.

So they decided to commit collateral damage and ruin Japan’s 11.0 lineup just to feel better.

Is the Strela really a full BR worse than the TAN SAM? No. No it isn’t. It is still practically a guaranteed kill on anything it launches at, it just has less range. So I’m afraid because Russia suffers, we get another Type 89-…errr Type 81 nerf.

To add insult to injury, reminder that the AMX, Q-5, and A-6E aren’t going up in BR. So enjoy having to fight those in your 11.0 (or 9.3) tanks without a viable SAM.

They could always, you know, make the Type 93 useful, but then it’d be nerfed in BR because CAS players would whine that they can’t get free easy kills.


Just a dumb braindead decision by Gaijin, nothing more. Nothing unusual, not holding out hope for the ARH missile coming on it.


Reminder that the new magical hyper overperforming thrust vectoring IRCCM Iglas perform better out of the box on a Shilka than the far more expensive Type 93’s missiles do.


I definitely think that the Type 81 should stay 11.0, not only so it can stay and support the lineup, but also because the lack of radar compensates for the good prefromance of the missiles. Also worth mentioning that the Strela is only being moved up to 10.3 despite the missiles also have good prefromance with photo contrast lock.


The literal only thing that makes the Strela slightly worse than the TAN SAM is the lack of range. I have both, and the Strela is a guaranteed kill on whatever you lock just like the TAN SAM is. However, the range difference isn’t even that massive, considering most of the time you can’t even lock stuff that is within your range even with the TAN SAM. I’ve had times where I couldn’t lock a heli with EITHER IR or Optical until it was within 1km. So what is the point of putting the Type 81 so high compared to the Strela?


Still wonder how they managed to do that… When all MANPADS were 10G I sort of got it, but now this just seems weird. Type 91 missiles are anything but unmaneuverable.


Type 91 pulling a cobra

To ruin Japan’s 11.0 ofc.

İ was really happy when i saw F-5E was going to 11.0 and was hoping to create perfect 11.0 line up with 3 mbts,one Sam system,Apache and F-5 but gaijin Said no.

11.3 is basically deadzone, either no one will uptier their Type-90’s(including me) or they will put Type-81 into Type-10 Line-up which will become basically useless at top tier because of other Sam systems.


They’re basically saying a Pantsir is equal to the Type 81 because they’re both at 11.7 now.

Same BR.


It’s just funny how bad the Type 93 is, I’m not even mad, and now we get to use it all the way at 11.0.


Same BR and one has a gun and one doesn’t

idk what is sadder


That minimum engagement range is what killed my enjoyment of the Type 93. You basically cannot engage any aircraft within 1.5 km, while at longer ranges planes have a decent chance of just spotting the missiles and evading it with a roll and a pull. I’ve watched heavily laden SAAB 105s easily outpull the missile.

Meanwhile, they just have to get close enough, and you’re a free kill. This also means it’s uniquely poor at engaging rocket rushing helicopters. This basically means all it’s great for is killing unaware planes and ATGM helicopters. And of those, only the ones dumb enough to climb instead of hugging the ground, which reduces the lock range to point blank.


what the actual fuck is gaijin doing now. imagine playing japan in 2024 now, bent over and spanked for no god damn reason every update. Whats next? Type 93 to 10.0? Type 90’s to 11.7? Type 16 to 11.0?


I sat 10 minutes waiting around for a target, and when it finally showed up it was too close to even hit.


At this point I’m nearly convinced that there is Russian Bias when it comes to SPAAs.


The fact that Russia gets SPAA with a far superior SPAA with a radar that’s several times better for no reason with no equivalent for NATO that’s even in the same ballpark didn’t make you think that?


And T-90A will become a foreveralone.

Russian SPAA addition and changes have started being suspicious since the addition of the TorM1.

Gaijin said that they would give Russia the TOR eventually, but China gets it first.

What does Russia get the very next update? Pantsir. No TOR? Weird innit.

Gaijin finally gives Japan new SPAA, while also adding new tracking mode to help,

What other SPAA gets new tracking? Strela. At 9.3.

Takes Gaijin awhile to finally move up the Strela to 10.0 (Its finally going to 10.3).

What happens THE VERY NEXT PATCH? ZSU-23-4M4 to fill Strela’s old spot. Coincidence?

What about the other things that have been “fixed” overtime.

  • 2S6 Missiles getting buffed, while Rolands still suck shit.
  • Igla vs Stinger Bullshit Gaijin pulled. ZSU-23-4M4 uses Igla missiles. Weird.
  • Stormer did get somewhat fixed.

Lets comment on this patch.

  • VEAK gets its HE-VT taken away. Sgt. York is now the only SPAA to deal with helicopters and geosynchronous orbit bombers.
  • Type 81 getting punted to the moon because Gaijin sees it as a equal to Pantsir. How?
  • Literally any SPAA with stingers are worse then any with Iglas. Stinger SPAA should go down. Ozelot and Type 93. Why is Type 93 and ZSU-23-4M4 the same BR.

SPAA should naturally be better(even if slightly) then the jets they can face. The fact that the higher you go in BR the less this is and the balance between CAS vs SPAA gets worse.

Russia generally seems to have the better/best SPAA for its tier. There are obviously exceptions to this. Not every Russian AA is The Best

Edit; Pantsir would not be added the very next update.

  • Fire & Ice - ToR-M1
  • Apex Predator - Strela-10M2
  • Sky Guardians - Pantsir