Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

Pantsir has IRST tracking no?

I guess. I don’t have it and they won’t let you test drive things because of ‘reasons’… but with the radar it has you’re not going to sit there without it a lot.

It does have tho you dont need to use it unless you dont want to alarm the enemy helicopters with radar lock.

I believe i only used IRST once or twice in my Pantsir.

So there is no way on stopping Gaijin from changing it to 11.3…is there…?

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One of the few SPAA that could deal with many targets get uptiered to the point when its role is meaningless.

Welcome to the world of combined gameplay ;)

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only against Global CAS, can still deal with normal CAS which what most people do. Sadly I won’t be able to protect tankers at a flat 10.0 now from Su-25s and A-10 spam. Helis…still require them to be close or high in the open regardless what Br. I’m more worried about the line up than anything.

They clearly deliberately waited until after the updated changelog to sneak it in, this is on purpose.


Yea…I find it really evil that they did that…hopefully with Thailand’s arrival to WT, they can help a lot with M163 that they own for 7.7 and other SAMs for 9.7 to 11.0 gap…and when they add the new missiles for Type 81 or support radar vehicles for other SAM.


The funny thing that tanker can be said to use something else (aka spaa/plane) to deal with the air, while air users can’t be told to use the ground to deal with spaa.


lets not do this here

Nerfs (B.R. increase) happens for a reason ;).

Not to mention that A-10A could deal with this SPAA from 8km without any issue. At the moment it will meet targets that can deal with it from even bigger distances.

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well… the radar that pantsir use wont trigger the RWR of track

It’s a K-Band. Only like two RWRs in game can detect K-Band atm.

High tier helicopters can detect Pantsir’s radar lock and launch.

Pretty sure it wasn’t even in the initial list of BR changes, they just forced it in.

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i hope that their reason to move the type 81 C up is to prepare it for ARH’s next update


Why would they not just wait until it has the weapons, makes no sense to do it ahead of time.
Especially not for a nation that has so few SPAA in their tree.


If that’s the case, and this BR adjustment is due to them intending on adding the fire control vehicle and all the features that come with it (RADAR, Lock on after launch, etc), then what they should have done is introduced that dual vehicle as it’s own discrete vehicle at 11.3/11.7, and leave the current launcher only vehicle at 11.0 for lineup purposes.


Yeah cuz there is no reason to make the type 81C 11.3

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Because the Strela-10M2 needed to go up and, well, you ‘can’t move one without the other since they are practically the same but entirely different at the same time’, and also because “Muh Su-25 can’t tank a Missile noooo”


At least the Strela is still at 10.3 so it changes literally nothing, meanwhile the Type 81 went from 10.0 to 11.3 since it was added late last year and it’s already ruined.