Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

Oh hec no…10.0 to 11.0 was doable…11.3 is not at all. Do not make this thing useless…will just ruin the 11.0 line up and already struggling to shoot down jets doing global CAS past 10km… Leave it alone already, no need to nerf it more…its fine where its at.


he can’t because he doesn’t even play Japan, he is just trying to defend his point by saying things.


İ know, was just waiting for an explanation but it seems he got nothing but excuses.

I don’t know why an anti-aircraft vehicle with no radar and defense capabilities is not available until 11.3. He even destroyed the Japanese land combat 11.0 team.


Oh just wait, first he will insult you, then insult you some more and if you dare to talk back, he will block you :P

If I ever needed any more reason to never get Strela.
I’ll still get Type 81 cause it’s beautiful, but yeah…
Maybe when Gaijin adds in AI radar systems Type 81 will have a radar scope from that.

Called this out months ago when they uptiered it from 10.0 to 11.0…

Japan doesn’t have a 11.3 lineup… they are 11.0 vehicles which are already questionably high, this is ridiculous.

Good luck detecting a plane 20km away without radar.



Nah, 11.0’s fine.
I’m already using EJ Kai as air defense for my top lineup, and was using nothing for my 11.0.
Though I’ll be using F-5E in the future for both.

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Yea saw your conversations yesterday.

His behaviour was truly amazing…

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I don’t get how you people can just have zero consideration for other people, it’s insane.
I’m sure that you with 30k matches can do just fine in anything, but maybe consider for once that you are not the average player.

Type 81 is an SPAA without a radar, you can’t do shit with it if you can’t find anything, obviously the lack of a radar means it’s not being targeted as much as it’s not being detected and thus it’s k/d remains higher.

Having to uptier the Type 90s, which again are questionable at 11.0 as it is purely because of their reload to 11.3 to have an SPAA without radar, within .3 of the stupid Pantsir is ridiculous.


I don’t get how you can insult all players of War Thunder that have consideration for other people…
Then gaslight them.

Then you go on to agree with me on Type 81.

If the BR is going to go up, I would at least expect a little less smoke because the solid propellant does not use aluminum, which causes smoke.

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Type81 at BR where almost everyone have guided munitions that outrange type81 and it’s literally impossible to fight back if enemy have at least single braincell
Nothing shows better how competent devs are and how much time was spent on this descision(That was made after feedback thread btw) - no time at all.
Why pretend like you don’t hate JP when it’s so obvious?


I actually think they did expect this reaction. That’s why it was changed only now, after feedback was closed.

I believe Gaijin should not be able to make further changes that weren’t part of the feedback, without creating another option for further feedback. But sadly such a rule is impossible to enforce upon those that make the rules in the first place.

I think the BR increase of Type 81 indicates that it will get its ARH missiles soon. Since we are getting ARH missiles in the next update this could be possible.


Could be AI radar + datalink.
Either one, or both, would be nice.

Saw somewhere that it doesn’t really need any radar to use those missiles.

I agree with the idea of AI radar. Something like a AI companion can be added for such SPAAs. That Companion will follow the player’s vehicle.

Great so 11.0 Japan no longer has SPAA, the Type 93 was a joke of a top-tier SPAA and still is, but that will be your only option after this update, nobody is going to up-tier themselves for an AFK/revenge kill role. Will not be playing Japan after this update, it’s not worth getting CAS’d to death with no other options.


He might mean the datalink for the missiles, as both the lightwave and radar missiles require the FCS vehicle for datalink guidance and controlled lock on after launch (the missiles can be launched without lock and search and lock independantly, but you can’t control what target they lock without FCS vehicle)

Would be a nice feature to see, though there are a lot more features that can be added well within player control, like the mentioned launch without lock and self search, ARH missiles and proper image guidance instead of the Strela copy.


I see you like to completely ignore context as long as it furthers your own point. Throwing average K/D around for two SPAAs that are in two completely different BR brackets.

Pantsir is without a shadow of a doubt a very much superior SPAA platform to the 81C, be it in range, search radar or armament the Pantsir is hands down a much stronger SPAA. However the Pantsir is also an SPAA on much higher BR where it faces top tier airplanes that have massively larger technological advantages over the planes a type 81C faces on the regular at 11.0 BR.

11.3 BR for GRB is pretty much automatically 11.7+ because that BR bracket simply just sucks ass, and unfortunately for everyone who enjoys playing japan, the 81C does not cut it in comparison to other SPAAs or airplanes that see that BR.

F16s with thermal sights and targeting pods can see the SPAA way before the 81 can see them, and not having a radar means you can only use your “Mk1 Eyeballs” to find the F16s/Su25s/Grippen/Mirage which will often just mean death. Obviously some player skill may help, as well as some functioning braincells but overall top tier without radar is just a death sentence.

Then you got all the helicopters that sometimes just refuse to be locked on and its utter shit. Unlike with radar SPAAs like Ito, ADATS or 2S6/Pantsir you cant just send the missile despite the fact that youre literally looking at the target and will most often than not just die.

The Type 81C has a great missile and I dont think anyone here in the thread has said otherwise, but what fuckin use is a great missile if you cant see the thing already shooting at you, cant get a lock on a helicopter thats looking at you or cant be useful when your teammate brings out SPAAs that are vastly better than you. It should remain at the BR it is currently at.