Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

TY-90s are most certainly not better than the Type 81C’s missiles.
But I understand that isn’t what you want to hear. It’s okay.

The same reason Strela’s moving up to 10.3.
CAS must remain OP I guess.


I would say they are on the same level, once fired, extremely difficult to evade. TY-90’s advantage is that its platform isn’t limited to the ground battlefield thus can be fired from anywhere on the map while the Tan SAM is limited to the ground battlefield


Never managed to flare it. Might be possible i guess but never worked for me.

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this is so 11.3 material


I’m pretty sure you’re doing something wrong.

Then post some videos that shows how do you handle this kind of situation when you’re using Type-81C, im waiting.


You can see me cycling between those two modes and the “auto” setting in the video…?


Strela was fine at 10.0, Idk why gaijin thought it needed br increase. Both Strela and Type 81 was fine at their previous BR. This BR change wasn’t needed.

Well, I guess that settles it - the Type 81 simply cannot lock on anything and it’s basically useless.

That’s why it has a 2.25 K/D on average: https://thunderskill.com/en/vehicle/jp_type_81_tansam.
While the PANTSIR has a 1.85 K/D on average https://thunderskill.com/en/vehicle/ussr_pantsyr_s1.

Clearly - the Type 81 should be 8.3 since its missiles can’t lock onto something that my 9.3 PGZ04A (with a 1.09 K/D average) can.


Pantsir faces toptier CAS that’s why it has slightly less K/D. Player skill matters as well.
K/D cant determine a vehicles performance.


Thank you for the excuses. Now I can depart while sated.


This is fact not excuse


More like you’re the one who likes to use thunderskill as an excuse.

By this Logic Type-81C should be 12.0, what a joke.


I don’t know about 12.0, but 11.3 certainly seems about right.

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This is not what i am saying, it’s a great SPAA against jets but helicopters in general are a pain to try to get a lock onto on warm maps (desert environment) and plainly impossible on colder maps. moving an SPAA that can’t counter a large amount of the CAS utilized up in BR is a little bit of an idiotic move.

There is no real reason for the Type 81 to be at a higher BR then the 2S6 considering it lacks the guns, radar and mobility advantage the tunguska provides over a truck.


2S6 should go up BR then.


The Type 81 (C) lightwave seeking missile does have two modes.

One is the main optical imaging seeker, that has no issues seeing any moving object against most (though practically all) backdrops in good light.

The other is a secondary and lower performance IR seeker that is used in low light conditions.

The issue with the Type 81 in game is that instead of the first, it got the Strelas optical contrast seeker with a bit more range. Which is weird, considering with the whole feature being implemented for the Type 81, and it being used for 2 of the 3 vehicles that got optical seekers (Type 81 and Type 93) that it’d be the more advanced system used in those.


Does it?

8km range only in ideal conditions, no search radar, no fire without lock, artificial interference for anything flying remotely low.

Not bad still, but shouldn’t be higher than 11.0


Considering Tunguska still sits at 10.7 even after G buff Type-81 shouldnt be increased to 11.3.