Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

It would make way more sense to just give it the LMMs which should function straight out the gate given the number of other proxy fused missiles in the game at the moment. I don’t see how it would even justify a BR shift given the competition like the Tan-SAM at the same BR bracket.

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God I wish. I say the chaparral as it’s in game already and would presumably be faster.

It isn’t in game either, it’s LOSBR.

Well, it shouldnt be that hard to tak the auto mode from Tor/Pantsir and slap it onto stormer, right?

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Has this been suggested yet?

Adding Martlet/LMM to stormer?
I will say this like that, Does gaijin hate Britain?


No this is a separate vehicle using starburst missiles, Starburst, was the name eventually given to the Javelin S15 (Advanced Javelin)

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Tor/Pantsir in game don’t have “auto” mode. Half straightening isn’t anyhow related to this. In game even with using this mode you have to mantain target in line of sight.

Yea, but it is closer than nothing


With such mode you will only throw your missile in trash can, usless and unreliable. And you want it for Stormer without proxy fuze.

ok, i did forgot what kind of a mess stormer is for a sec


I’m not against that little guy with a Starburst.

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More options the better. An alternative to the HVM is needed as 90% the time it’s not actually working

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I didn’t think it would be hard for them to make the current projectiles actually register when hitting jets.



Ok, you got a point

Very concerning that this missile has been effectively broke since its inception and nothing the devs do fixes it after YEARS. Really shakes your trust in wt. Sort of reminds me that thrust vectoring missiles still go haywire just like they did 5 years ago on the hunters sraams…


Guess it op as if you hit the optic i think on a t80u it overpressures

im done with this pos id rather remove it from the game at this point, im not even having it in a line up anyone utter waste of time


Turbo lol, I’ve had some comical OP kills with Starstreak. At least its good for the memes while its still completely non functional for its anti air duties.


I’m sure you can’t say, but I’m gonna ask anyway, any update on the Starstreak fixes?