Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

i just tryed it 2/3 missile flew through the plane

3 just connected with a tiger helicopter centre mass zero damage , the a 2s38 just 1 taps it … ok game

yeah stuff like this is ridiculous. At this point I just play the UK tree to collect the vehicles. They are by no means on a level playing field with the Russian or even US vehicles.

The problem is when you get every vehicle. What am I meant to grind now as all of them are shot lol.



They will do both, and move it up in br at the same time.

That still confuses me the most. How do they think it’s worth the 10.3 br it’s at. All it has is quantity.

2 Quick Videos:

The second shoot in the first video was a miss, its OK

the darts are too far apart

They don’t think, too much for them to handle. Only thought they have is money and how to extract it from you

honestly on my first couple of games with it:

How the heck does anyone play without thermals. i cant see my missile half the time…

How on earth do you hit anything in it. And yes, I am leading. the tracking system is wonky as all hell, getting spoofed by a tiny tree and then flares

Off the top of my head the Track System shouldnt be spoofed by flares. While in the clip below it doesnt, i have had that happen to me.


Yeah, there is nothing modelled correctly about this vehicle, and they seem to be managing to make it worse every major update even with accurate documentation.

I hate to whine, but genuinely it’s horrific. And we’re expected to cope with this being our top AA until we get the ADATS…

I genuinely hate this thing and i’ve played 5 games of it.


It used to be fantastic about a year ago, probably the best top tier SPAA.
Now it is likely the most broken vehicle in the entire game.


What makes it more annoying is that it used to at least be very good at dealing with helicopters, and with a bit of practice you could consistently take down jets too. I don’t know what they’ve done to break it so much over the last year.

Tbh, if I was gaijin, I’d add the chaparral as a temporary measure until it can be actually fixed.

Set it up so if you have the stormer, you just get it or something so the research points aren’t wasted.

Or just add the stormer air defence, they would be good too as all the parts apart from the turret model exist I believe.

Either way, the current situation is not a good experience for players or developers.

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Make it spawnable like a Attackdrone/Atomic Bomber, if you reached the necessary spawnpoints. (remove it after the fix)

That would also be a nice workaround for Italy/Israel until they get a competitve SAM for their own.

Do you think that the source from that report is enough to push for automatic lead/azimuth plotting?




I still don’t understand why the starstreak is SACLOS guided like a tow missile.

Shouldn’t it be able to lead the target on an automated intercept path, the operator just has to keep the target in the sight of the launcher?


Basically word for word what ever marketing video about it says. Yet here we are, how many years later? With the only Sam’s in game with that feature being the TOR and pantsir.