Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Nothing yet, I will update the thread when it is done though.

I did a bug report on the stormer ages ago about the stormers optical tracking locking onto flairs instead to the helicopter, it’s immune to all known countermeasures… Yet it’s happening again, i locked onto a tiger helicopter last night and it decided to lock the flares again. So yet again it’s broken… It was fixed


The ADATS is doing it too, might be a global thing

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Ffs. JUsT sPaWn spAa…

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Be nice if it actually worked

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The optical tracker on the Strela’s can be spoofed by flares. It is Very much so a skill issue on the part of whoever implemented it in.


Yeh let me grind an entire air tech tree because gaijin can’t fix ONE vehicle lol

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Just seems like a stealth nerf someone at gaijin keeps trying to slip into the game. This is about the 3rd time it’s been bug reported.

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I have to use the Tornado F3 as my AA vehicle on my 11.3 lineup, and my AA on my 10.3 is either the lynx or the falcon, that missile update and the IRST nerf killed the stormer and before then it was barely usable. It so fucked yet the LAV-AD and type 81(C) are at the same BR and are better in every way and the strela is like the second best IR missile SAM and it’s a FULL br below


Unless Gaijin fix starstreak and roland,Strela should at least be 10.3.


Just tried out the stormer for the first time since the changes and I did not expect it to be this bad. It is unplayable, not close but is literally unplayable. First game and 10 of my 16 missiles phased through jets and helis. The agility of the missiles is now to the point it can’t turn with a stinger that was going after the same target. Just remove the poor thing or move it back down to 9.7 if your going to make stingers a better option.


id rather the removed it of gave it different missiles

still not fixed starstreak
can we copium for add land ceptor(CAMM), it works like Type 81C

as of now jas39c is Britain’s best anti air

And best cas heat with it being able to carry 4 gbus and 9ms giving you incredible control of the skies. Honestly I’m glad we at least got the gripen this update.

That does not sound as bad as it seems. Well, it would cover the whole map with irst, but 25km range on the normal Camm does not sound soo far compared to some other AA

I cannot state to you how much I hate playing this.

Wasted 4 missiles on trying to kill a Chinese Heli some matches ago

And literally yesterday because of the janky ass tracking on the Search and Track i basically wasted 8 missiles on an Su-11.

AN SU-11. That thing should’ve been dead long before.

This thing is fine for taking down helicopters, in that role its passable. But a full blown Anti Air? useless.
I’d rather they just refunded all my RP spent on it so i get a headstart on Chally 2 and fly my aircraft as air superiority fighters. At least then I have a chance of killing stuff.


I hit a ka50 3 times only for an adats to smack it once and take the kill. If seen it take more damage from a 20mm.

Stormer AD would be glorious for the one reason you could actually hit fast movers at close range.