Why is the sea fury so high in BR despite being outclassed by 4.7 heavy fighters in every single metric?

I don’t find any literal playability from the sea fury. yes, it pulls 9g’s at high speeds, where others pull 12g’s. Yes, it’s fast, where others out accelerate it in every angle and energy state; And despite it’s good high speed pull the sea fury will instantly become a sitting duck after THAT one pull. My guess is that people just full commit head on and get kills on it, but addressing the fact I suffer from very severe frag defficiency I can’t really play it like that. All I am literally getting is lesser white text (hit and critical hit) and the occasional severe damage.

Maybe giving it it’s due missing 600 horsepower would fix it, maybe giving more efficiency and toughness to the pitiful flaps would help it, maybe giving it an airspawn would help it, for it behaves like the 5.0 A8 Fw190 that still outperforms it in every metric except near-rip-speed manevuerability. Maybe moving it to 4.7 would help.

Listen. Kid. I am aware that the Fury is the greatest aircraft known to man. And I know it suffers in many ways. But please please please stop complaining on the forums. What we need is BR decompression not compression. You’ve made this exact same topic several times now. Yes I agree it can go down in BR but not by a whole range. Maybe 5.0 or 5.3 so it can be used in the ground lineup as well.

Here’s a tip anyway on how to play the Fury. Go high altitude, 4-5 km, and dive down on your targets. Also side climb. Go at a 45° angle left or right so you don’t go head on with things like the Ta-152’s or Bf-109K’s. Boom N zoom is the tactic.


Wait a second… this is spam.

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The Sea Fury’s engine produces 2460 - 2550hp. I doubt it can produce over 3000hp as you claim.
Sea Fury is as fast as the 5.7 P-47 with a faster climb rate.

but the p47 can win a dogfight against a K4 and reverse spitfires while the sea fury can’t even win against a do335. Overall the options a p47d28 has are much broader than those of the sea fury. I’ve out fought typhoons and j2m’s at slow speed in the p47. Granted these players are doodoo, but the sea fury can’t even win a dogfight against anyone of the same skill floor as those I outfought with the p47d28.

go ahead, cancel me as you constantly do. Flag my posts. Get me banned! It’s the only things you can do.

Listen. Kid. I am aware that the Fury is the greatest aircraft known to man.

I’m not even asking it to be the absolute jet killer it was in real life, i’m asking for it being playable because there is not a single advantage this thing has.

And I know it suffers in many ways.

It suffers in EVERY way.

What we need is BR decompression not compression.

What else does the sea fury actually need? Does moving the P51D 30 from 5.0 to 5.7 help it in any way? No, it will make it face it every damn match. The Sea Fury FB11 handles WORSE than the fockes with airspawn and still has NO airspawn.

You’ve made this exact same topic several times now. Yes I agree it can go down in BR but not by a whole range. Maybe 5.0 or 5.3 so it can be used in the ground lineup as well.

Ground is definitely not related at all to air. How else is the Re2005 so stupidly high in BR? It has nothing to ground pound with. Same for the Zeros. However the undertiered Americans vastly outmatch the rest of things a BR above each when it comes to ordnance. The overtiered Americans? Well, definitely not. Tiny Tims are a hoax. Usable as sparrows against Ju288s flying oblivious if you practice a lot.

Here’s a tip anyway on how to play the Fury. Go high altitude, 4-5 km, and dive down on your targets.

Do you think i’m stupid enough with my 3.5kd to not know i have to boom and zoom? Dude, everything else will tread on you because your climbrate is inferior, but not inferior enough to stay too low. You’re going to stay within the same level or 500m lower making you a stupidly easy target worth diving for since 500 or 1km of altitude is easy to recover at 4.7-6.7 range. The moment you side climb your entire team died or the enemy died. All you can hope is that the people just go ground pounding or in a ground furball. I have KILLED a sea fury main with 5 kill death ratio in my K4 when I was still lv70 and still consistently dying to zeroes. I’ve energy trapped and killed the 6th army’s sea fury with my tu-2 and out fought another of his squad members before a Bearcat crippled me, I eventually got the assist too.

Also side climb. Go at a 45° angle left or right so you don’t go head on with things like the Ta-152’s or Bf-109K’s. Boom N zoom is the tactic.

Literally the tactic I always do, I don’t face ta152’s but still die to them anyways because they’re busted. If not, to a yak3u, or to a bearcat, or to an american Spitfire.

lol… lol
P-47s CANNOT ever win against a K4 or Spitfire of equal skill.

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and the sea fury cannot win against the worst player the moment it gets within 1km away; which given how poorly the sea fury performs, it’s insanely easy to.

This is the 5th or 6th spam thread by the same guy about the same aircraft


And unlike you, who cries about f-5e bullying an attacker with four aim9l’s, radar and flares at 10.3 (0.3br above the gr1 with the sraams and no flares btw) I try to find out solutions to a real problem: A plane with such bad performance it doesn’t fit the game’s meta unless the sole situation of everyone being below you from the start.

I have fought F8 and F5s in the su25, the su25 loses in a dogfight to the harrier. Make your mind.

Already working up to another forum ban I see. That didn’t take long


You haven’t answered my question on your j35x post. Have you ever played the j35?

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what do you want me to answer? I did play the J35 in a friend’s account, and I did 1v1 against the j35. It’s undefeatable unless the counterer is on a f-16 block 10 and only if the f-16 stays above 700kmh of airspeed.
