Why is the B-29 at such a bad br

This would also allow planes like Lancaster to finally get the incendiary payloads. Which I have been wanting for a while.

Yeah, with the “naplam” buffs. It could make them really good. The fact they refuse to give napalm/incendiaries to TT aircraft really sucks for Britain. Its annoying the fact they made a premium only feature for us

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Don’t think we can do anything about it, in spite of the historic importance of Lancasters in incendiary raids.

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Honestly wonder how big of an impact it’d be if they like, broke a wing up into 5 parts rather than what I presume to be like, 2 halves right now from how the damage doll looks (it seems to either damage the tip or the root). Maybe even go for 10 parts - 5 vertical, 2 horizontal slices.

or even more but yeah, that is exactly what I mean. break a lot of the parts down into much smaller sub-parts but also model internal modules in greater detail like control veins. WOuld be especially interesting on aircraft like the A-10 that have a huge amount of redudancy that simply isnt modeled in game.

They are doing it to helis and tanks so its time that planes got a looked at next I think

It would also make roof mounted MGs a bit more threatening, if more stuff was modeled to hit, against cas.

Yeah, it definetly works both ways. Also might stop Su-25s tanking multiple missiles

Frogfoot was meant to eat a missile or 2. But yeah, the half dozen at the moment is a bit silly.

There is a difference between surviving and totally ignoring like it does currently, but yes. The number of problems for these kinds of aircraft both for and against that could be fixed with a damage model overhaul is kinda insane

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I fly frogfoot, I’d be okay with it being more consistently downed by missiles. As long as I can still make it back with some struggle after one or two, given it was meant to survive one or two (at a stretch) missile strikes.

Yeah, that Im fine with. Considering i’ve landed without issue like this before:

Yeah… Something meant to survive bad hits, like the SU-25 should still be able to RTB after taking severe damage, just not continue to dogfight

(once landed a Lightning with no rudder in Sim, was hilarious. The Mig-21 that shot it off was both pissed and impressed)


I mean if we’re being technical, the 3.7 P-47D-22-RE has the same 8x M2 12.7mm, so it still fits.

All prop bomber BRs should be adjusted. Imo, for British bombers it’d look like this (these are just approximate, written in a couple of minutes):

  • Shackleton MR.Mk.2: 6.0 → 5.3
  • Lincoln B Mk II: 6.0 → 5.3
  • Lancaster B Mk I: 5.3 → 4.0/4.3
  • Lancaster B Mk III: 5.3 → 4.0/4.3
  • Stirling B Mk III: 4.7 → 3.3/3.7
  • Stirling B Mk I: 4.0 → 3.3/3.7
  • Halifax B Mk IIIa: 4.0 → 3.3
  • Wellington Mk X: 3.3 → 3.0
  • The rest are unchanged
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