The 76 is not this insane gun, it’s comparable to the German 75 found at 3.3. The stabilizer is what makes it higher in BR. At 4.3 it would be a glass cannon, and it will still struggle with the ruskies and the brits. ill take 4.7 any day though so ill give you that.
2.It would not be OP at 5.0, the T-34s are at 4.0 and they are arguably way better tanks. At 5.0, even in a full down tier, it would not be a threat. The Germans got guns that can easily take care of it, the brits too. The ruskies got the insane guns like the 76. Like I said, it’s easy to kill if you know how to kill it.
3.You are right, the sides are thicker, but not enough to be able to angle due to well the lower side. The ruskies can still punch through that even at an angle easy as well as the Jerrys. Even then just shoot the lower side.
Gaijin won’t ever decompress man, wake up from that dream.
There is this idea where it’s crazy hard to kill, and that it can stomp entire teams. I see it like how people saw the Tiger before they learned how unreliable it really was. It was a good tank sure, but not this harbinger of doom.
It’s like this huge echo chamber, all the yelling about it being hard to kill keeps getting compounded and then turned to general opinion. It garnered a reputation that it doesn’t fufill.
I blame it on the “tiger best nothing can pen” players, the sheer volume of them screaming murder after their unangled tiger gets killed forces gaijin to bring up the jumbo brs just so they don’t get slaughtered. The tiger ost/west pack is only making it worse.
Mhm, that is why being a player of many nations really helps in actually figuring out what’s wrong and good. I used to have the idea that the T-34s were mid, but then I played them and they’re the most OP broken tank ever I love them. You really got keep an open mind, which many people here don’t have.
Yeah, I played the m51 thinking it was gonna be like the m4/m26 and I can confirm it is the most broken thing ever, as long as you can aim for ammo you can basically kill anything
Im a british main so ive fought everything in underwhelming tanks but I do also play little bits of Germany and USSR and its gave me a good insight into normal player experiences. the T34 is very good but I found the KV 2 to be one of the most OP tanks in the game, 42 second reloads with my crew slots but angle like a tiger and you are unkillable to anyone that isn’t a pz4 long gun (those things should be 4.0 minimum they are so busted)
the M51 itself is a real glass canon, will annihilate any target but itself has no armour. the most OP thing about it is that you can respawn it several times for free making it the one rat you cant stamp out the whole match
Yeah, I stopped playing it half because I wanted to grind the f80 (50k rp away) and kind of because it just stopped being fun lol penning anything or getting one shotted, no in between
I played a bit of low tier Germany, it’s the most busted thing ever the low tier panzer 3 and 4s are insane if played right, although the us does come close with the stabilized 37mm Stewarts but no 20mm spaa’s:(
Thank you, I am planning on reaching us jets at like 7.0 and then playing the spits, they are really good turn fighters compared to the mustangs and corsairs. I might play uk ground but solid shot is not accurate at the moment and might even be worse then my 6.3 us experience
Ad4 is the goat, I have bagged so many ta152s and me262s in that thing while bombing bases and killing tanks with the mighty mouse rockets in ground rb, it’s a reliable and proven plane for cas
It’s better due to the better explosive filler, and better reload.
It used to be 4.7, and I don’t think it would be OP there (just very good). The M4A1 isn’t a glass cannon at higher BRs either.
The 75mm Jumbo would be OP at 5.0, since it would rarely face anything that can put it in it’s place? In no world is it comparable to the early T-34s, because it is better in quite literally every single way except maybe mobility. And in no world is the Russian 76mm insane, it doesn’t even has as much pen as the US 75mms.