Why is the 76 jumbo at 6.3 br

Which one, I have the 75 but have not even bothered buying the 76

Am I wrong for that

6.3 is fine, the only reason it feels bad is that the Tiger II was copy/pasted 93 times and the wall of wehrabu lard makes every other vehicle feel bad in direct combat and people don’t flank.


It’s just not possible on a lot of the maps due to how they are made to force head to head combat

All the 76 Shermans are overtiered beyond belief. The M4A1(76)W should be 4.3 or at least go back to 4.7 and bring down all the other 76 Shermans .3 down. The Jumbo should be 5.0 or 4.7, it’s not that hard to kill guys. The 76 Jumbo should be 5.7 flat out. It’s not hard to kill, it is not this beast people make it out to be.

The Jumbos are gonna get people up in arms but let me explain. The Jumbo only has good armor at the front. The sides are normal Sherman thickness AKA paper thin. The MG port is a exposed weakspot as well as the turret neck. The only reason why people make it to be insanely armored is because they can’t aim. The 76 Jumbo has more armor in the front than the tiger, but the tiger spreads it’s armor out making it way better. I’ve gotten 7 nukes in the 76 Jumbo, it can work really well, but It should not be at it’s current BR.

They could buff the APCR to be able to pen Tiger II H’s mantlets which will def help, but they never will.

The only people who think the tank is okay at 6.3 are the people who either get really lucky, or people who can’t seem to learn how easy it is to kill.

P.S. the Tiger is way better imo, the 88 and the solid all round armor make it a better brawler and sniper.

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I agree


I have the tank, I just spent like all my sl on my air tree so I decided to test out the armor identical 75mm jumbo at 6.3, not to get kills but to see how many shells I bounced. I am pretty sure I bounced like 2 shots out of the 10 trials that I did

It was good at 4.7, and would be OP at 4.3.

That’s an awful take, and it can’t go lower than 5.3 unless it loses its stabilizer, in my opinion. It has an incredible armour profile, alright moblity, incredible gun handling, and a .50 to take out tracks. I think it should be 5.3, but it will become gamebreakingly OP at 4.7.

Not true. The upper hull side armour is much thicker than normal, and they have a much thicker turret overall. They only have weak armour where the tracks are.

I think that the 76 Jumbo is good at 6.3, but that it should be 6.0 until Gaijin decompresses.


I love how much you avoid saying “I have never played the 76 Jumbo”


I have never played the 76 jumbo, but I have purposefully upteired the 75 to see if it is worth buying as I do have it researched


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German mains suck ass as soon as something isn’t point and click that’s why


Mind explaining that to foxxo over there


Yea the guy who thinks it should stay at br

oh right lmao.

While im not going to defend an inexperienced players skill issue, we’ve all been there, observant players opinions arent discarded even with less experience, his points were valid and completely true.

I do also think the 76w jumbo is a bit over tiered. It ought to be at 6.0 to be with the tiger E and Black Prince heavies which are its two closest counterparts I have good experience with.

In comparison to tiger:
its got a slightly worse APHE shell but is realistically equal as its stabiliser means you shoot first. Better armour for far worse mobility (although its hull MG is an instant win spot and you can bounce APHE off the drive sprocket for a one shot easy too)
No smoke bomb throwers, you need to waste a shell to shoot smoke.
competent tiger players will destroy you every time.

In comparison to Black Prince:
far worse penetration
similar armour
far better mobility
not as stable of a gun platform so wont shoot first
no smoke bombs
jumbos and black princes can have really good sniper fights they are so balanced.

it cant take on 7.3 vehicles at all other than a few little spots and gets slaughtered by tiger 2 or charioteers easily.
APHE shells can one shot it in the hull MG or by bouncing off the drive sprocket (this is really damn easy to to in a tiger btw)

you’re a medium tank dressed up in heavy tank armour at a BR where the meta is big guns and all the armour, you cant compete in even mild uptiers. It should be with its counterparts at 6.0.


Thank you.

no problem. I find the bickering around the jumbo quite annoying as it is not the demon players think it is, I got slaughtered by them all the time when I was new but I learned that its not that hard to counter them entirely