Why is the 76 jumbo at 6.3 br

Why is the 76 jumbo at 6.3, that thing can barely hold it’s own at 6.0. The 76 should go down to 5.7 where it is equally matched by the tiger or at least 6.0. Otherwise it keeps on getting sucked into 6.7 tiger 2 battles where it cannot even pen the tiger 2 from the front.



It’s at 6.3 because it excels in cqc combat, and it has strengths that good players can easily use. It’s also better than the panthers (imo) but 0.7 worse than the tiger II H.

TLDR, blame BR compression.


its a good tank at its br but because of the horrible br system it constantly gets placed at 6.7 making the tank essentially useless.


This isn’t really fixing anything. You’d just be creating even more compression. Passing the pain onto others.

However difficult it is to fight 6.7’s in Jumbo 76, it’s equally if not more difficult to fight Jumbo 76 in a 4.7/5.0. That’s why this thing went up in the first place, because it was rolling the living daylights out of that BR bracket.

Everything needs to be spread more upwards, not compressed further downwards.


That my guy is called a skill issue, it is very capable at it’s BR


The problem is br compression cuz when u get downtierd u are op
Tigers cant pen u from the front exept the muchin gun port

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It’s at 6.3 because it has strengths that ‘average’ players can use.

I don’t know that compression is really to blame here. I think it’s more a case of this tank being badly specialised. The jumbo is a 5.3 tank with exceptional armour that pushes it up into a tough BR bracket. If the BRs were decompressed I would expect the Jumbo 76 to rise with the decompression, not stay static.


You also forgot the part where essentially everyone with the Jumbo Sherman was covering the UFP with bushes just to cover the mg port so even if you knew where to aim, chances are you would miss it which meant they could negate the one weak spot other vehicles had to utilize to kill it frontally. I would say the Jumbo Sherman is the pinnacle of bush abuse with how much better it becomes the moment you cover the thing with bushes, without them it becomes somewhat easier to kill. I still remember the days of the old 75mm Jumbo when it was 4.7, those were utter misery to fight against, and from what I recall the 76 Jumbo was 5.3 or 5.7 back then, and to be honest the br change was deserved as a bunch of those players had it coming for them with how much they abused it.


I have 4 deaths no kill in this thing lol still remember it’s last death was me driving right into a German 88mm jack panther and I instantly die. The reason I don’t play it anymore is because 6.7 is much better.

your using the tank wrong. The tank while good it doesn’t have the penetration power other tanks have but you can hit weak spots, and also flank the tank.

Love the part where you explained why.

It isn’t equally matched by the tiger? VERY few areas on it can be penned frontally, and it’s basically invincible in a hull-down state.


Ive played both sides of this id say it go to 6.0 where it belongs
Comprresion does need work though its equal to panther in my opinion

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Its essentially a panther panther has few spots you can pen frontally and both have weak side armor panther has a better gun while jumbo has better armor after update changes tiger is mid

Its a good close street brawler at a br where most tanks still need to aim for the two weak spots, hull MG or a ricochet off the drive sprocket. Its far better than a tiger in every way but gun penetration

German mains cried about “op jumbo”.


Believe it or not, level 26 with 1k matches and not a single match in the Jumbo 76.

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m41 is still better at 8.0

You don`t even have the tank Bozo


There are a lot of tanks that have weak spots like that in other countries but for some reason only us mains get their tanks moved up in br