Why is gaijin not developing british top tier naval

Its all a preference, like i tali´d Hood cause i love playing with it and i think it is great ship with very powerful guns able to oneshot anything but Scharnhorst. I am more disappointed by Marlborough and its 88kg TNT HE doing absolutely nothing even to destroyers than Hood´s guns performance. The only thing i hate about Hood is how easy it is to ammorack.

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yeah hood is a decent ship it dose lack AA though as i died to a p51 with 500Lbs bombs because my AA only opened up when he was a km away

I love this thing,

ultimate serotonin and it gets better if it is the first shot and the further away it is

Unfortunately i am forced to play AB,as RB have insane que times. And even in AB i get 5v5 game…

man i have lost the clip of me one shotting a guy at over 10km i cant remember the exact distance now but it was quite far

How do you recommend playing her, does she angle and I know you shouldn’t brawl, how do you manage the dispersion.

Sorry for the questions I just really want to give her the best chance I can because I spend ages grinding her.

Well, cant really repair,cause your secondaries get destroyed often and that depletes your crew. The dispersion isnt that bad imo, and it is more of an advantage as it hits multiple parts of the ship. I am just monkey naval player, idk anything about angling,i just fire full broadsides to enemies,and it works lmao. I learned i had to aim about 100m less in terms of distance than the distance shows to hit waterline and be able to achieve magazine explosions.

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I’ve actually found the AA the thing I like the most, guess it makes a change from having a singular 3 pdr…

i had come from HMS renown and that has a massive amount of AA compared to hood

Pretty much the same as normal for me then, oh and how much SAP vs APC do you take, some people swear by the SAP as it had good pen at all ranges.

280 SAP,rest AP

Yeah Renown has a ridiculously good AA refit, Renown should’ve been TT and her sister Repulse should have been event.


i love these guns so good shame that they dont get HE-VT

They should have get it ages ago, the bug report was acknowldged,but still only HE-TF.

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but i have done equal in them in rb navel

I am sure it could have been better.

so this is how i think that the tech tree should be orginised but i have not put BR’s to ships as i am not fully sure on what they should be there also should be a rank 8 in there at some point. my reasoning for putting the 3 ships in the Premium/event line is that they ended up sinking during the war and they have slightly worse AA if needed i can explain the choices more

Maybe some battlecruisers to go along with the tree

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