Why is gaijin not developing british top tier naval

I imagine they may add at most 2 of each class, in two refits one late and one early.

QE class should consist of QE as the base and then Warspite in her late refit as she had the most extensive AA upgrade. Not sure about the Revenge’s but they will definitely be adding HMS Royal Sovereign because the Russian’s used it (hopefully the Russian gets nerfed turret rotation after they failed to maintain it/s) and I imagine the other will be class leader Revenge.

KGV’s imo shouldn’t matter so long as they add class leader KGV and then any of the others would do, PoW has history having been in actions against Bismarck and being the only one sunk, but then there is also Duke of York which helped sink Scharnhorst which i would enjoy killing scharnhorsts in.

Ideally 2 KGV’s and then Vanguard makes for a nice anti-bismarck lineup.

A pretty good reason is avoiding unnecessary redundancy and tree bloat. There’s really no reason to add more than two, maybe three of each to the tree (WW1, late WW2, something in-between). Adding all of them just bloats the tree with no real benefit, artificially increasing the grind. Plus you can only spawn 3 times in ships in naval. And aside from AA they’ll all play just about the same. I’d rather only have one or two and be able to move on quickly to Nelson or Vanguard or one of the others instead of having to research 5 or 6+ almost identical ships.

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i mean folders exist

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They haven’t foldered the Bayerns, but they may well do in future.

I just realised she can’t pen a 305mm belt from more than 7.5km, she’s literally useless like you find thicker on 6.3’s.

@Rileyy3437 i am going to work on a vissual explanation of what i think they should do with the Tech tree at top tier

All navies should be expanded equally.

Britain miss ships, yes. But so does Italy and France in far greater extent.
Hell even Germany misses iconic vessels.

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I won’t deny that. But also if you compare them based on what they could have compared to what they do have Britain is arguably on par. Of course numerically France and Italy do lag behind the UK.

Yes but they’re also in possession of several broken vehicles. My concern is bringing up all navies to Germany’s level.

Like France nor Britain have a 7.0 Battleship.

In theory yes, but in War Thunder the theme is that those who have more, get more and i’m sure I don’t have to remind anyone that Britain had the worlds biggest navy until some time between 1943 and 44, and furthermore we have the most dreadnought classes applicable to the game.

So if they wanna make things equal, i’m all for it, it’s still a step up from where we are now, but if they wanna pick a nation to be the ‘Big 1’ it had better damn be Britain.

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They will pick Soviet Russia ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nevertheless, I advocate for equal expand for all. In the name of history and justice.


This is what I am currently advocating for with my Updated British Naval tree.

The QE’s and Revenge may not need to be duplicated but the KGV 1938 class should be duplicated as then you could have a full BB lineup with the Vanguard in there.

I’m not sure how to place Nelson because she’s such an odd cookie with good armour but older and armour than on KGV or Vanguard but also she has more guns than Vanguard and they’re bigger than either.

BR’s are guesstimates.

Of course, 9000 paper BB’s of Stalin will rule the waves.

I’m inclined to agree, realistically everyone should be as balanced as possible.


question do you have a picture of what version of hms temeraire you are wanting in game as there alot of verisons of the ship

Having asked Dr Alexander Clarke, Lion 16E-38 was the only ship consistently slated by the admiralty as their preferred choice of the follow-on Lion class design. This involved 12 BL 16" MK.IV guns in a 4x3 configuration.

I need to source this line drawing but at worst it is a sketch based on the original Lion class design, the official datatable for all the Lion designs is availible but I’m not sure about the line sketches though I know they are confirmed to exist.

‘Temeraire’ is just the name I gave her as one Lion could be in the 1942 config and another in this config (or we could have the 2 original lions and then this late one as the gun was built).

So I got Hood finally after grinding through the Hell that is Orion and then using Colossus once I had all the RP bonuses.

Hood is… underwhelming.

I love her, she’s fantastic to look at but in practise she’s somewhat less painful than say Colossus or particularly the trash that is Orion.

If I’d known I honestly wouldn’t have bothered, can’t hit anything with the dispersion and I thought that the ‘great’ SAP shell would make up for it if it hit as it should theoretically be able to pen most things at 7.5km apart from Scharnhorst.

Didn’t work out that way, German ships did German ship things and caught everything in the turtleback. Mississipi’s I didn’t properly fight against (too busy getting spammed by 5 Bayerns (more Bayerns for them than we had Dreadnoughts in total)).

Overall, British tree is definitely not worth it in my opinion, you could point to any ship above the 5.3 and I’d point to a better German ship at the same BR.

Let’s see how fast I can grind Germany…

i would agree with that as while it can do the funny ammo rack to ships that is all it has got as Renown has far better aa and medium calliber guns but it has less armor and 1 less main turret

i am personaly not sure about the acuracy of the guns as i belive they were some of the more acurate guns on ships but i am not sure if that is compared to WW1 ships

I didn’t get Renown but you will not find me playing something with only 9 inches of armour at 7.0.

I haven’t used the AP round yet (just GE’d it before I write Hood off as a complete waste of time), so hopefully that improves my experience.

one thing i will say is if i see someone with a lot of games and kills in 1 or 2 ships it is almost always kronshtadt or scharnhorst

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No, they were the singular most accurate high calibre (10+ inches) naval gun on a dreadnought, that was proven by both the British and the American’s.That is from both WW1 and WW2, apparently a tech-mod internally reported it and Gaijin has ignored it seemingly.

well that is fun to see that they just ignore things for brittain but that is just classic snail