Why is gaijin not developing british top tier naval

Unfortunately the only one we could get is the G3 although it was genuinely the best of them. (See my post)

I have a personal favourite of the L2 battleship as its a Hood scaled up to Yamato level.


The issue is that there’s nothing to suggest a ship of the 192X battleship series had anything constructed. G3 was going to be built unless Japan and the US gave up on their two ships.

The battleships were in reserve for incase the treaty failed.

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Yeah I’m aware of g and n. Super cools ships. These I only discovered when drach posted the video a couple days ago.

Standard for naval it doesn’t need to be laid down though it’s preferred. It needs a detailed build plans/designs to meet minimum for gaijin

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Is that so? If so could that be proven?

I’d like it to be, because then it means that rather than have the runaway garbage of “The Russian Navy planned…” I can go “well yeah cool but the Royal Navy planned and intended…”

It does seem to me there’s the slight problem of Russian heavy armour not really having much to add now.

Speaking of which, how and why is it the only missile ships in game are the Italian P-494 thingy, the Bravy, and the Douglas? Is there seriously nothing that can be added for anyone else?

They originally said they weren’t ruling out paper ships to fill gaps, they then deleted the devblog with that and released the Kronshtadt devblog which implied a ‘laid down’ rule on top of the already present rule for suggestions on ‘unfinished prototypes’. The suggestion of the O class BC for the German tree was never laid but due to an engine being built has been approved as a suggestion.

I think the main area such a suggestion could help britain out would be for the heavy cruisers as we had a few ‘cruiser killers’ designed and planned to be laid in response to the Admiral Hippers.

As for BB’s we should be covered mostly but I’d love L2 because I like Hood-esque ships.

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Yeah, tin the first post (didn’t know it was deleted). They said finished paper plans ready for build were good enough but only as a last resort for balance and gaps. Laid down was the preferred fall back when needed.

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I’d love to see stuff like the post war Cruisers (proposed Neptune/Minotaur) for Brits, but equally I’d like to see Vanguard too.

i think it is fair to say that if they add yamato to the game they will have to dip into “paper” ships with some nations having to do it to diffrent levels.

Short version: They dont want to.

i think they will eventualy add yamato as it is a hugely popular ship and they would not give up the chance to sell premiums to people so they can unlock it

Who cares about Yamato.

it is one of the more popular ships it is just like how they will add bismark because it is a popular ship


There 's plenty, it seems like we’re waiting on the devs to get comfortable adding those ARH AShM 's that are in the files before we really get going on that front.

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I would like to see the Churchill class cruisers i’d have made a proposal but I can’t find any official sketches/designs to unfortunately i’ve had to let go of my interest in Churchill’s ‘Deutschland Hunter’s

Vanguard and KGV i also look forward to as they’ll be the scharnhorsts of their br’s particularly if we get the correct armour effective thickness.

Sure does suck to not have any counterplay, I mean for crying out loud, 4.3 destroyers can see Bravy. It’s really not that f**kin fun to get slammed by a small anti air missile that, because you’re a destroyer, turns your insides into ash. The counterplay, what even is counterplay? Kill it before it launches?

Which they inevitably won’t because it’s a British thing so they’ll manage to find some way to bodge it.

No they won’t be. Scharnhrost is so good because of the overlapping turtleback armor plates. Neither of those ships have that. No design with a single thick flat deck on top of belt will be that much of a monster.
Richelieu however, apparently has a mix of both so she might be really good. And so might Dunkerque if they have the same armor layout… if Gaijin ever adds new French ships lmao


Let me be optimistic even though i may be delusional. We will be lucky to get Vanguard before H-39 drops.

That part is true though. Its unfortunate how one sided naval additions have been. They should’ve at least introduced all 3 of the first 16" battleship classes at the same time… AT THE 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MARK OF NEW POWER AND NOT A SINGLE SHIP A PATCH AFTER IT


I think Nelson might have been a big OP with the 14 inch belt and an extra gun over the other two but thats just my opinion. It certainly would have been a good trio to add though.

But the UK could’ve gotten the R and QE class instead as the USN thought Colorado was about on par with Hood (just less ‘useful’ as she was obviously much slower).

Nelson has good armor, but those 16" guns are middling and the rate of fire is abysmal. Depending on which RoF values you take Mutsu could literally output about twice the volume of shell.
Excited for Queen Elizabeth and Vanguard though. But not as excited for Richelieu, who’ll never come because imagine adding new battleships to france lmao am i right?

Hopefully Nelson gets the 1.9 rounds per minute maximum fire rate which would make her usable.
Although even better we get G3 which could have actually achieved the intended 2 RPM before they cut the turrets and mechanisms down for Nelson.

QE and R class im excited for so i have actual backups for top tier besides Hood.

Richelieu and Strasbourg i am looking forward to, particularly Strasbourg as she is imo the most attractive French Dreadnought.