Why is gaijin not developing british top tier naval

i would say so as it dose not have the super charged shells of marlborough

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Yeah I think honestly she’s more deserving of 6.3 but then I remember she does decently when her shells actually penetrate.

Hopefully the HMS Centurion which was leaked was to be TT or a counterpart to KGV or Ajax so we can have some more 6.7 ships with the supercharged guns.

yeah while it has less pen they do have an absolutly killer HE round with 88kg of tnt equivalent

Indeed, the guns are not necessarily the ships issue, it is a combination of the atrocious internal layout leeching your crew, poor penetration and poor gun handling.

Hopefully we get the KGV 1911 after Colossus which will be much more worth it.

so this is the pen of each nation for BB/BC from 7.0-6.0 and man france is taking an L

The Courbet-class has 12" guns and the Bretagne-class has 13.4", so not especially surprising.

The laid down Normandie-class were to have the same 13.4" guns, the later Dunkerque-class has 13", and the Richelieu-class was equipped with 15", the largest France could get.

The planned Alsace-class were to have 16" guns, but none were ever laid down.

well other 12 and 13.5 inch guns do out perform it though and the armor of them i dont think they should be at the br they are probably droped by .3

I’m not even sure how we’re supposed to react to this. Just… why?

If it had been French, Italian or British I wouldn’t even have cared… But what made them think this was even a remotely good idea…

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well at some point they will run out of ships for other nations

I’m not sure what you’re even complaining about. Time-limited unlocks are always awful, so having a third sister of a WWI class as an event vehicle is very sensible. Anything more unique/rare/interesting/new should be in the permanent tree or as a regular premium.

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i mean if anything nations like britain and america who made the most BB’s during history should have some of them turned into event ships so other nations can have more in the tech tree

This is fair. It’s also possible they’re giving something to Germany because we’re on the edge of rolling out the first wave of 16" armed ships, and unlike the winners of WWI (literally every other Naval tree) who had laid-down-but-cancelled-by-treaties early-'20s stuff, the Germans go straight from the Bayern-class (this) to the Scharnhorsts (which have “small” guns) then the Bismarcks (with “only” 15" guns).

All Germany has left for post-WWI battleships is one Scharnhorst, both Bismarcks, and two H-39s.

then why not just add it to the tech tree

given how painfull people have said the events are most people would just prefer to unlock it in the tech tree for less effort

There’s already two in the tree. Likely they don’t think they can get away with a third in the tree, but an event vehicle allows people who do want Baden to get her. It also allows them to inflate Germany’s top tier without bloating the tree unnecessarily.
Just from the (actually really cool) wallpaper they had in the event post, I’m imagining that once we, God forbid, get rank 7 they’ll introduce the 4th ship, Württemberg, as a rank 6 premium.


Its just getting a bit silly. They’ve modelled HMS Diamond make her the event vehicle as Britain already has D class destroyers of her type and a 4.3 premium.

But germany does not need 4 7.0’s, 3 of them BB’s when 2 tree’s don’t have any. And the reason I single out Germany is that they have the most broken vehicle in the game. Genuinely I think scharnhorst is the most broken vehicle in the game compared to other things at it’s br.

Like they could add something naff like HMS Agincourt with her 14 12-inch guns but also 9 inches of armour, is it unique sure, does it throw fuel onto a fire? Not really Yamashiro is her but with 2 less guns in exchange for 3 inches more armour and 2 more inches on the calibre.

It doesn’t even have to be british (that was just the first that came to mind) just not german top tier, if they wanna make seydlitz an event then they can go the fuck ahead but no need to add even more powercreep to their already ridiculous lineup.

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I must admit I love the wallpaper.

it is a nice wall paper

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they are going to have an aneurysm when they have to add the QE class or the revenge class or the KGV class as they all have 5 ships in the class and i see no reason not to add all of them

with the revenge class having a further 3 proposed and the QE class had a 6th ship planed and an extra 3 if you count canada wanting some at some point but cancelled it