So I got Hood finally after grinding through the Hell that is Orion and then using Colossus once I had all the RP bonuses.
Hood is… underwhelming.
I love her, she’s fantastic to look at but in practise she’s somewhat less painful than say Colossus or particularly the trash that is Orion.
If I’d known I honestly wouldn’t have bothered, can’t hit anything with the dispersion and I thought that the ‘great’ SAP shell would make up for it if it hit as it should theoretically be able to pen most things at 7.5km apart from Scharnhorst.
Didn’t work out that way, German ships did German ship things and caught everything in the turtleback. Mississipi’s I didn’t properly fight against (too busy getting spammed by 5 Bayerns (more Bayerns for them than we had Dreadnoughts in total)).
Overall, British tree is definitely not worth it in my opinion, you could point to any ship above the 5.3 and I’d point to a better German ship at the same BR.
i would agree with that as while it can do the funny ammo rack to ships that is all it has got as Renown has far better aa and medium calliber guns but it has less armor and 1 less main turret
i am personaly not sure about the acuracy of the guns as i belive they were some of the more acurate guns on ships but i am not sure if that is compared to WW1 ships
No, they were the singular most accurate high calibre (10+ inches) naval gun on a dreadnought, that was proven by both the British and the American’s.That is from both WW1 and WW2, apparently a tech-mod internally reported it and Gaijin has ignored it seemingly.
Its all a preference, like i tali´d Hood cause i love playing with it and i think it is great ship with very powerful guns able to oneshot anything but Scharnhorst. I am more disappointed by Marlborough and its 88kg TNT HE doing absolutely nothing even to destroyers than Hood´s guns performance. The only thing i hate about Hood is how easy it is to ammorack.
Well, cant really repair,cause your secondaries get destroyed often and that depletes your crew. The dispersion isnt that bad imo, and it is more of an advantage as it hits multiple parts of the ship. I am just monkey naval player, idk anything about angling,i just fire full broadsides to enemies,and it works lmao. I learned i had to aim about 100m less in terms of distance than the distance shows to hit waterline and be able to achieve magazine explosions.