Why is 11.7 facing 13.0 in Air SB?


Is it a problem, from the technical standpoint?

I dont know, though removing Germany from top tier is only going to make the player balance even worse

The ICE is fine if its not pitted against air superiority fighters.

There is an absolute need for new BR brackets now so we’re not constantly put against air superiority fighters.

Nobody play air sim from the gaijin staff so this is not suprise.
11.7 vs 13.0 its a massive joke
Only good way the 12.3 vs 13.0 and they can make new 11.7 vs 12.0 era for blk10 f16 mig29 9.12-3 etc…
11.7 vs 12.3 joke too. And why? Simple reason the fox3 vs 11.7 fox1 or fox2 without irccm not balanced

one guy make that its pretty okey and balanced

This would be a good set of brackets do add. It gives basically each BR a time where it can be on top and not have to suffer against vastly superior aircraft, atleast for a couple of days.

Especially for the Harriers and even the J-8F, in Sim those absolutely should not be facing 13.0 ARH buses everytime.


More and more people are turning to sim because of how big of a pile of steaming excrement RB has become.

I used to be an RB main until the last month or so.

I mainly play the Sea Harrier FRS.1 @ 10.7 or Tornado F3(e) at 11.7.
Depending on the bracket, 10.3.-11.3 or 10.7-11.7. I can make it work.

But going into 11.7-13.0 is nigh impossible unless you’re air superiority.

Eventually gaijin will see it and add the new brackets or adjust what we have.


How about that?
The brackets are made so that each BR has 2 days to be top.

WHy do i feel like Gaijin does the work in adding vehicles, modes & weapons.

And the community are the ones who fixes the balance issue and waits for gaijin to implement what the community comes up with.

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Same feel.
Plus pain and disappointment. Every time.

Yeah, but even in 12.7, we had that problem. Vast majority of ppl played air superiority fighters, US had advantage the F16 being a multirole. The only person I saw playing IDS in EC8 was me and a few days prior to S&D patch I saw a Su25 in the game. Everything else was just fighters.

For this to be applicable, we’d need an ICE vs Harrier separate bracket.
I mean, considering what ppl played in 12.7 and what ppl play in 13.0 ECs now, 13.0-13.0 bracket should work just fine, because all the ppl play there are 13.0s anyway.


This is what we need indeed

I like this. The 11.0 and 12.0 dark age finally ends, and anything with ARH missiles gets walled away from anything that can’t carry them (most of the time)
Some BR’s will need adjusting though. For instance, the new harrier has AMRAAMs at 12.3. That thing will absolutely destroy that BR. Push it to 12.7.

It’s barely able to cope with being 12.3 and I can see it going to 12.0 before long. Up BRing it to 12.7 and you might as well just delete it from the game. It’s one of the aircraft that needs the BR changes the most

RB is in a Worst condition than SB ? OMG !!!

I thought RB is where the mejority of players were, and that gaijin couldn’t mess up with thatm because it could affect them in the wallet

??? harrier doesn’t need to exist at an undertiered BR firing AMRAAMs at F-4Es just because its a harrier


The main problem in WT is setting BRs and GJ doesn’t have a model to do that, because GJ lacks the game design in WT. So, what we have today is a fighter jet deathmatch, which then makes nonfighter planes too difficult to play. GJ “solves” that by reducing the BR, making problems for the lower BRs.
If GJ had WT actually “game designed”, then Tornado IDS eg. shouldn’t be at 11.3, but 12.3 since this is its generation with F15/16, Mig29, etc…however, to make it playable, that would require bigger maps, more elaborate ground infrastructure to work on, adequate armament (not in friggin 13 iterations) to do the job, etc.
The problem is GJ has none of those, because they don’t invest into game development and so all they can do is lower the BR until the complaining noise becomes acceptable, but that makes the game abhorrently stupid and forum filled with the threads like this one.

I think I would slightly prefer rotation 3 to be 11.3-12/12.3+, but the top tier/near top tier brackets are always a little funky.

Definitely like that each BR <12.7 gets it’s own days.

WoW, we now we get 12.0-13.7 BR bracket for EC8. :D

They didnt add the top tier sim decompression? - Game Discussion / Simulator Battle - War Thunder — official forum

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