Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

‘More reliable’ is actually ‘supreme skill issue’


they at least did. with how heavy base bombing nerfs have been (because of base bombing fighters) may not be the case anymore

Aren’t you the same person who is like . 05 KD in the F-14IRIAF???
yeah I’m sorry but you could just say you are bad at the game next time…
It’s very clear to Everyone else just by looking at your stat card that you simply don’t understand jets.
So you type out some big ass thread every other week asking for jets to get bombs because you simply don’t understand that 1-2 kills will equal more than 5000 rp.
I don’t understand how someone can be so bad at the game.
I’m not even flame baiting.
I’m just being genuine.
Your stat card is atrocious and I have seen zombie bombers with better stats.


that’s humanly possible? I’m certain I could teach my 91 year old grandmother whose only played atari 50 years ago how to get more frags in that plane


Or, if a fighter can use his superior FIGHTING capabilities, he can protect the strike aircraft and let them take care of the targets with their higher payload… like real life

but this isn’t exactly your problem YOU create. you just don’t have the skill to fight people with advanced aircraft, so you take the easy option and instead of trying and failing, you gave up and just zombie your way though the game.

you COULD do better, and learn the weapons, airframes, how to defend and defeat missiles and eventually, how to earn resources the correct way, which is PVP.

at the end of the day, gaijin has created this environment and it isnt great. free food for me who enjoys playing strike aircraft as fighters in some sort of twisted satisfaction



Instead of bombing bases in fighters learn to fight against other fighter. This will be valuable thing when you get to 14.0 jet battle and grinding other nations jets

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This dude has continuously stupid takes.
It’s all rage bait.
He says his justification is grinding but he genuinely just really bad at the game


he must’ve armed his F-14A IRIAF with most powerful A2A weaponry
instead of AIM-7E-2 or Fakour-90.

The 500lb Mk.82 GP bomb.


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This is one of the reasons that this game is broken.

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there’s no excuse for this


I mean being called “Tiger tank” was a very very strong indicator that he’s not going to be a high skill player but this is the worst average stats I’ve seen of a long time player

The best part is this guy’s gives advice to new players.
So not only is he screwing the team over by not fighting. He’s teaching new players to also be bad and bomb bases.
One day TT1 will learn that getting kills = more rp. But that day is not today nor tomorrow

I mean, expecting 1:1 anymore at its current BR is… lofty.
Especially since you can’t know whether that KDR is from when it was 12.7 or with the 0.7+ BR superior F-15A but at the same BR.

compare this to one of my worst vehicles Ive played a lot of and its just abysmal

and this is a bomber not a BVR fighter

I can understand if these stats were acquired after the aircraft became 13.0 because that is still an awkward BR for it.
But I refuse to believe the majority of those deaths are from it being 13.0.


alvis mate he’s got a K/d of 0.12 in the thing and he’s played it almost 400 times

i would rather people have a negative KD but they admit they’re trying at the game rather then base rushing and complaining that you plane isnt fast enough to reach the base


#5 In his “essay” makes no sense at all.
I’m not sure what he is trying to cook up but the mods need to prevent this guy from posting anymore because it’s 100% rage bait and straight up misinformation.
I’m glad he doesn’t post his crew stats. Probably flying on level 1 crews.


its also not that bad at 13.0. shouldn’t be seeing typhoons no but at the same time its still lobbing from really far away while there’s people still in harrier 1 airframes