Why free RP

RP conversion is a red herring feature to make the value of premium vehicles look better. It’s blatantly inefficient by design, so you’ll think you’re being a smart shopper by buying premium vehicles instead. If Gaijin wanted you to use it, it would already cost less.

Agreed, business is generally predatory. Willpower to not get sucked in should be improved on, however.

It verges on the Idiocracy idea in my mind, so I want people to improve to outsmart the more egregious predatory practices, which in turn puts off said predator.

The grind is only bad if you are not here for the game but just focused on some perceived point where a particular vehicle set exists, ignoring the fact all Top Tiers are a mess since forever.

The grind to about 7.0 (nations vary) is pretty much peanuts. Spading them is another thing but people generally skip that, to the detriment of most low and mid tiers.

And the biggest point is that the economy/progress is controlled tightly by Gaijin. Allowing SL to RP would make them rebalance to maintain the control.

I already explained and have done so again.

They already do GE discounting frequently so would be a double discount.

1 billion free RP allow for a free name change.

My bad, I was talking about spading, not grinding.

Never seen it. Is it announced on the laucher when it happens ?

The GE one… it’ll be in ths winter one I suppose, definitely no discount this very moment. Unless I am thinking Premium time and GE is the one with only the “bulk buy discount”. I am probably getting mixed up.

I do think that the discounts only apply to vehicles and premium time but I might simply have missed it when it happens.

Nah, you are right, they never discount GE apart from the standard bulk buy discount that is always there.

Could be a good idea to do it then. It’ll probably also boost the sales imo.
I know that I’d be tempted to buy some GEs if there was a discount.

I don’t recall a GE sale but generally I see 50% off premiums or premium time. Gaijin used to do them consistently at their anniversary. That’s when I buy 99% of my time and vehicles. Of they did a 50% off RP or something I would definitely use it.

I do hope you reported the abuse that was obviously from that one-sided sleight… It’s a bit hard to comprehend how someone can just throw all that out and still remain here.

Still crying? Someone needs a nap.

Screenshot 2023-10-27 184823


xD Dang…

It’s not broken, so can’t be fixed

New birthday sales soon, within the week. 2 or 3 times a year they do discounts.

About 3 times a year they discount GE 50%


It is not useable… it is behind a hard Paywall.

And it was, for the longest time, named “free RP”. They literally needed to change the name because of their false advertimsement.

It is a dead system. Nothing more.