Why free RP

I was sure that it was called free rp back then ! Thx for confirming

I don’t see the problem with “RP” in War Thunder because World of Tanks have it do. You can choose between endless grinding or spend some “GE” on it and to unlock helicopter tree for example or starting new tech tree and you don’t want to play rank 1-3 verhicles.

Nobody forcing you to spend “GE” for “RP” because there plent of people who has a lot of free “RP” and letting it there.

LoL WoT has FREE XP.
You can freely use them on anything at 0 costs.
WT has paywall RP. You pay and insane amountof money for very little RP to spend

Yeah, with my amount rn being 2.45 million, it’s would require 750 USD to use all of it, I’d like to see SL be used instead of GE for this, although, you need both of these to get the vehicle.

World of Tanks Research Points, Free Tank Research Points and Experience Points
You earn experience points by participating in a battle. The better you do in a battle, the more points you earn. Directly after a battle, these experience points are converted into three other types of points :-

Tank Research Points
Free Tank Research Points
Crew Experience
The ratio of points allocation (from experience points gained) is as follows :-

Tank Research Points = 100 %
Free Tank RP = 5 %
Crew Experience = 100 %
This assumes you’re not using a Premium Account, where you earn 50% more the experience points per battle.

Tank Research Points are used to unlock new equipment and tanks in the tech tree. It can be used only on the current tank. So if you have 10,000 research points earned on a Panzer II, then these points can be used only on the Panzer II tank.

Free Tank Research Points function the same way as Research Points, except they can be used on any tank. When unlocking an upgrade on a tank, Tank Research Points is always spent first. If there isn’t enough RP, then Free Tank RP is used.

When all components on a tank have been researched/unlocked, the tank reaches Elite Status. Any Research Points earned on an Elite status vehicle can then transferred to Free Tank Research Points, or used to speed up crew training. Your options are :-

Transfer to Free Tank Research Points - will cost you 1 gold for every 25 RP transferred.
Speed up crew training - the least experienced crew earns 200% (double) of the experience points.
Crew Experience Points can be seen by right clicking on the crew portrait. The crew’s level of veterancy is expressed in percentage. Every tanker starts at 50%, and once he reaches 100%, it unlocks additional skills which may be improved. The additional skills are Vehicle Repair, Fire Fighting and Camouflage. You may select only one skill at a time, and once that reaches 100%, you can then choose the second skill to unlock and so on.

A crew is very specific with which tank they drive. A Panzer II crew cannot be assigned to another tank without going through retraining. Retraining is very unprofitable as he loses much percentage points. The fastest way to shortcut the entire process of gaining crew veterancy is to send him to Regimental School. With just 200 gold, he instantly achieves 100% experience, which will otherwise take weeks of leveling up. If you’re going to train just one crew, then train the commander. The commander adds a bonus to all the other crew. More on this is explained under the barracks.

For vehicles with Elite Status, if Speed Up Crew Training is checked, then the least experienced crew earns 200% of experience points (instead of the normal 100%).

I don’t see why we’re talking about WoT compared to WT, they have almost nothing in common. Except for they are both a free to play vehicular combat games and are both kinda PTW.

And what has this to do with you saying that

Like all you just wrote shows taht your initial statement was wrong.

I compare that other games also RP using WoT for example and did I ask you to answer.

No you did not ask me to answere anything.
You said that WoT and WT use the same system. Which is untrue.

You also never wanted me to answere you posted a wikipedia article about how Xp allocation works in WoT.

If you want to say that WT should use a simialr system, regarding “convertible RP”, to Wots free XP system you should say so. But again. Thats not what you said.

It IS usable, they just need to pay to use it, hence it’s not ‘Free RP’, it’s convertible RP…

As per my statements all along… The suggestion is stupid.

Warthunder gives you more rp. It’s just allocated in a different way. It’s in the modules you unlock. Each tier unlocked gives you free rp to the vehicle your researching. It’s about 20% of the rp you earn effectively is awarded as free rp by acing tanks. On top of that you can grind and earn that rp on multiple vehicles per battle and not just one like wot.

and as per usual you find all suggestions regarding improving the game and grind stupid.

Say how much does Gaijin pay for all that defending the indefesible you do?

Just come up with real issues that need fixing. Not made up ones that work fine as intended

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First I did not even bring up this issue. I just corrected a single person.

Secondly. Fly is against everything. he is against focusing on Fixing bugs and systems because “Gaijin needs to make money”
He is against changes to the way the Marketplace, events and other things work because “Gaijin needs to make money”

Not once has he not countered an idea with “Gaijin needs to make mones”

But all of that is irrelevant.
I am a player who believes that a games company does not deserve any defense from its players regarding internal issues of the game or operation of the game.

He is one which beliefes that company interests come first.

This is an matter of conflicting bases which can not be solved.

Lame ass reply from someone who as usual has nothing worthwhile to say

Why would I do sth so boring?

And I have had enough of you shuting down every single suggestion with “But Gaijin needs money”

So if not paid, then a huge Fanboy?

Because you’ve got a problem with it.

You’ve not shut me down in the slightest.

I enjoy the game as it is, and that’s the way I like it.

You can pander to those who have trouble with it, but at some point you’ll realize you’re only feeding the victim stance.

It’s why we’re in such a situation as we are already with this boycott nonsense… And that was hilarious to watch fail.

With what? You spewing cheap insukts? Never

Never even tried to

Its not pandering. Its called engaging and discussing.
Sth you who is anti everything can not understand

Thats the thing, just as in ither threats, you believe the boycot failed, while everything shows that it was a huge success, but not perfect.

This is why I call you a fanboy. Because you are a delusional fanboy who is actively seeking to make the game worse.

All you do is cry whenever someone tries to make inprovements. And thats a fact.

But then again. I could not care less for people as stupid as you are. It is just to funny ro see your reactions.

Nah, wont bother you already cleaned it out a long time ago

I didn’t clean it out… I stand by whatever I said, but you can’t highlight where it was so it’s obviously nothing for you to base anything on…