Why does Germany, Sweden, or Russia one just steam roll every Top tier match i get into?

GBUs travel 16+km in War Thunder, even out to 25km.
There’s a reason there’s an achievement that has you drop a GBU over 20km.

On what server do you play?
In my games there is no point climbing since every game there is Mig 29 or SU 27/J-11 doing CAP duty just waiting to smoke me with R-27ER or ET

The achievement means you need to be 20 km away when the target dies, not the launching distance.

At 9 000m, your bomb would only be able to cover a maximum theorical range of 12km for a 300m/s drop (mach). That is, if earth’s atmosphere was composed of void, because with the good old air drag, you can reduce that amounnt fairly significantly.

As for the GBU reaching 25km, good luck with that. Physics law are brutal unfortunately, and the max range you can reach for a mach 1 launch and 12000m high drop (very generous) is 17.5km horizontal distance. And that’s not counting for air drag. In such a scenario and accounting for altitude, the real distance between the aircraft and its target at the moment of drop would be 21.6 km, not 25. Note that this value is probably overestimated

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Because when mixed matchmaker was first introduced and I pointed out that Gajin just created matchmaker/squading exploit mod on old forum gave me a warning for discussing an issue with new system (lol).

You cant make it up. Throw a rock at them and they wont even notice it hit them.

Okay, then you die to a fighter aircraft and help your team win.
A fighter costs 5x more than a SPAA to spawn.

Yet, he stays and still can do CAP while you just put 700sp in dumpster

During my 10 last games at BR11.7, I record the line up of my teammates.

38 of them chose to play a leopard2 plateform at first. 7 others due to their techtree can play it for the next respawn.

For example a player who play first a RakFlaRad can respawn with a Leopard2. And a STRV122 is a Leopard2 plateform, so Swedish techtree player are included. They can also play T80U

For the USSR : 28 chose T90-T80series at first and 15 others players can respawn with. I guess a guy who starts with a Pansir or a Ka50 doesn’t end the game with it. At least not in these games.

A third nation appears regularly, it is the USA. Only 10 chose an Abrams first and 4 others played the American techtree.

The other nations are anecdotal.(except mine which was each time represented by at least 1 player : me)
And to avoid bias I did not play with a techtree which allows you to select a German, Russian or American tank at BR11.7. There is perhaps a time zone bias which works against the USA, in this sample, if we assume only Americans play us techtree, but I don’t think so.

If I misjudged the air situation, then sure it’s a waste, and it’s my fault for not keeping an eye on the feed.
However, if I did things correctly, I still fragged 1 thing minimum before getting engaged by a jet, likely 2.
More than enough SP to spawn another tank even if I spent all of my SP on CAS.

THIS is why we are complaining, they just STEAM ROLL anything else they fight.

I mean FUCKS sake a Vidar was spawn sniping us within 30 seconds of the Match starting.


Statistic of 05/13/2023 in 11.7 BR ground battle:

Nation Number of vehicles played
USSR 22824
Germany 19951
Sweden 9979
USA 7040
France 7032
Japan 3204
China 2762
Britain 1651
Italy 577
Israel 454

We could say that to get to the BR11.7 it takes a lot of time and therefore that the most played vehicles are those of the first 4 nations to have integrated Warthunder: USA, Germany, Britain and USSR.

But we see that Britain is far behind while Sweden is third with a TT arriving very late.

We cannot talk about demography and nationalism, because the USA in this area is far ahead of Germany and the USSR without even talking about Sweden.

I agree that the USSR and Germany have a great history with tanks during WW2 and that their equipment equips many other countries, but this is also the case for the USA.
However, the USA has two to three times fewer vehicles played at BR 11.7.

Swedish tanks, despite all their success, have not flooded the arms market like those of Germany, the USSR or the USA.
Sweden has a TT based on German and USSR vehicles, playing Sweden is like playing Germans and USSR. People chose the tree they were most comfortable with.

We therefore see that the best vehicles are those from Germany and the USSR, otherwise they would not be used as much.

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I see Ladies comes to the defense of the Soviets cause evil Americans are criticizing Soviet vehicles again.

Not really…?

The swedish really dont have that many russian tanks beyond the finnish, they actually have more british tanks. Not to mention the many native designs ingame, especially at lower tiers.

Playing sweden is absolutely not like germans/ussr, I legit dunno what you are on about.

probably referring to the many leopard clones if im guessing?

My first words :“Statistic of 05/13/2023 in 11.7 BR ground battle:”

so around around 11.7 : Leopard( oups sorry STRV122),Leopard, Leopard T80U, CV90 and ITO

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Corrected, there is no 11.7 ground vehicle on Germany or Sweden what is from USSR.
All of those mbt’s are based on leopards. ( Sweden T-80U is 11.0 and nearly never seen in 11.7 since leo… I mean strv’s outclasses it completely

Thank’s Gaijin, YET AGAIN German Russia and Sweden Steam roll team’s that do their fucking all to win!

AND YET AGAIN, i love getting into matches and just knowing im Royally fucked the moment i see the team lists.

If only you had 2 other Strv 122s. Seriously handheld Sweden is the worst example to use in this argument lmao.


Times dude times
Still far less than Russian handheld anyway

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Focusing on just MBT’s, only thing I have to say to this is the Ariete’s, Leclerc’s, Merkava’s, and Abram’s are incorrectly modeled for its armor. If those were corrected, it would help quite a bit but they also have other strengths that balance things out.

Challenger’s and the ZTZ’s are beasts imo.

Edit: I have every ground vehicle just about for all nations.