How can it “Shoot faster” ? Literally all you have to do to beat BVM is literally do nothing.
what are you talking about. what i said there was 2 separate matter. BVM for objective rush and other vehicle that “shoot faster” for defending capture point.
what are you on about?
This seems to be at the core of it.
You say early engagement dictates the battle, there is literally no such advantage for BVM, because as defender you set the engagement every time.
yeah? that’s why i said BVM for 3 lane. they have good armor, and better speed for capturing. so they are better at defending the objective they already at.
single lane and battle mode, stuff with faster fire-rate.
Swedes also tend to be some of the best players in the game, simply because they are minor nation players with good tanks.
Swedish players are total morons, the fuck you mean?
Ive seen these guys drive past a MAUS and shit and pay it no mind, Or sit in the open in S103s and get turned to corpses by Conquerors and Chieftains because they think they are god.
You’re the only one writing fantasies and tinfoil-hat theories. You also outright lied about trivial stuff and called people names, which suggest you’re arguing in bad faith.
My bad for trying to reason with a guy that calls all disagreers to be alts or something in his second post.
Says the guy who is trying to convince people that 2A7 has worse turret armor than T-tanks. At least you should’ve started with something that’s actually a bit believable.
It’s actually sad to see you call WT to be vatnik fantasy world while playing it actively. By playing it you’re actually supporting the propaganda, vatnik game, but I doubt you realize that, just like you failed to realize your browser has tabs.
But go on, keep playing the game, I’m sure you have nothing else to do in your life than being a target for OP biased vehicles operated by vatniks lmao.
didn’t read
happy for you
or sorry that it happened
There are no objectives in this game
What do you think Capture points are?
Traps for bads
You are the exact kind of people that made this game horrid to play, Upity fucks who think they are better than anyone else, despite the fact its people like me who PLAY THE OBJECTIVE, who win your matches for you.
You said everything I think, the Warthunder is perfect for vehicles up to 1960, the beginning of the Cold War, for modern vehicles it is simply a disgrace.
(correct me if i’m wrong about this)
but as far as i know russian tanks have slow reverse speed because changing the transmission would enlarge the size of the tank. As far as I know the russians love to keep their tanks small and relatively low weight.
The chinese modifications made their tanks quite a bit taller, which needed more protection. It’s like the Czech’s T-72M4CZ which has a much better reverse speed but the engine compartment is much larger than your usual T72.
Nation mains in general tend to be just worse players, doesn’t matter which nation they main.
Hence why i play America, Germany, Russia, Brits, France.
I prefer the brits because their vehicles feel the most rewarding to actually play, as you feel like you are doing something instead of just steamrolling.
This game is not balanced around cap points, therefore it is unfair for many factions to bother with them. That, and maps are very imbalanced.
Tanks themselves are not balanced on WR either by Gaijin, but individual stats.
TLDR: Caps are a waste of time. 9/10 games end because of kills.
Why so mad? Skill issue