I did not say anything had to be done or anything about the game development.
You can think whatever you want, but it doesn’t change the fact monkey playstyle requires little to no tactics, thus thermals are of little use. You just rely on your propaganda vehicle to do 99% of the work for you, while you’re responsible for pointing and clicking on a suffering contemporary.
It’s a pretty simple job, but seems like either you or your propaganda vehicle isn’t as good as claimed.
I think you shouldn’t talk about mental illness’.
You’re still very actively and willingly playing a biased, propaganda unbalanced game just to have total meltdowns on the forums about the topic.
This much malding is honestly bad for you, just look how it made you forget your browser has tab feature. Have you considered taking a break ?
You’re pretty easy to spot when tanks you’re up against have great optics and thermals.
You outright lying about stuff that takes 20 seconds to check is indeed making you look hilarious. Spamming buzzwords doesn’t help either.
I might take even more time since you’re actively looking at the screen and waiting for a reply.
No you really don’t sound healthy
Me and another poster tried to make a reasonable discussion out of this, but he immediately started accusing everyone that disagree to be an alt/apologist/coper/…
You not picking up on this is disturbing or ignorant at the very least.
Don’t worry about my health though, I’m still more than healthy to comprehend vehicles aren’t balanced around a single metric, you on the other hand…
So healthy you’re bringing up things from other threads
i don’t need to play USSR to know it’s a good, i just need to see the matchmaking time to see how much people like the trash you talking about. so i don’t think your trash is true.
i made no such assumption, all i said is the game is 3 lane corridor on the first minute. which make armor meta exist, after that is depend on how each player, nation, and the team react to the situation and coordinate.
true no map is perfectly flat, BUT most of the area near the objective is virtually flat and when the game is forcing you to the 3 lane corridor objective, armor is a plus. i can kill Abram waaaaay easier frontally than USSR, LEOS 7, and SWED.
Let’s not pretend you aren’t here because of that.
That was your 2nd reply in this thread and was quite literally the definition of spam, containing absolutely nothing of importance to the topic.
You also conveniently ignored or didn’t bother checking who actually started with the toxic behavior in the first place.
I browse this forum inbetween games my guy. You aren’t special. Seek help. You type like somebody screaming they need mental help.
Good for you, all that browsing and you still haven’t caught up who caused this toxic mess in the first place. It’s obvious that this is either personal for you, or you’re just incredibly ignorant individual that doesn’t follow discussions from the start before posting.
He called all disagrees to be AlvisWisla’s alts or something in like second reply, but I’m the one that’s unhealthy here ?
yea I’ve got a few packs and 2 events waiting for a better price, precious prem expired tho
Mate you’ve spent literal hours in just 2 days typing your little fantasies about me and spinning or deflecting my arguments on the actual point. Arguing with you is a lost cause because - respectfully - you’re just too dishonest
Instead of projecting, go touch grass or do something challenging like shoot Kh38 at ADATS in your vatnik fantasy world
lol Don’t say stuff like this, this is the same thing as telling people you don’t play, a terrible formed sentence. You could write better, I know you can.
Every open usable area is a route. Every route with visible separation is a concealed flank [this includes cities].
I’ve used Type 10 since it released, and I’ve had zero issues due to its many weakspots compared to T-90M or Leopard 2A7V.
Popularity =/= strength.
Abrams is objectively superior to T-80BVM, yet we all have our suspicions of player performance in both.
Objective reality can’t make up for skill and popularity disparity.
It is though. The game is mostly a 3 lane with 3 objective. It just the map have different “openness” to it, but it is still a hallway to the objective. You are literally coned in to the objective.
Which is why i prefer battle objective instead of domination.
I play exclusively Type 10 and the only upside is 4 sec reload and the apfsds pen, maybe you can say thermal but the advantage of gen 2 and 3 is barely anything. Everything beside it is subpar, even BVM can rival the speed.
Abram is not objectively superior to BVM, they are the easiest to kill in the big 3. while popularity not strength it’s an indication of which nation is easier to play. In this case USSR got a good tank with crazy CAS. Who would have thought.
USA has had that crazy CAS since 2022, with alternate spawn point costs too cause one of them is classed as a fighter.
Also BVM is not “crazy good”, it’s inferior to Abrams. Worse round, worse mobility, similar armor, worse turret mobility, worse reload.
At least T-90M has more armor.
I took BVM out of my Soviet lineup and replaced it with T-80UK cause I’ll take the extra armor over the better round and turret mobility.
Abrams players were the ONLY ones shooting my UFP, all other players correctly lol-penned my turret and idler wheel.
Yes, german have a good tank but not great at CAS so they have lower popularity. See?
And i said no such thing as BVM as god tier MBT, it is simply a good tank, not great like the Strv 122 but better than Abrams.
You know what? I’ll take a gind at USSR tree and see how trash it is.
Your post before this wasn’t worded in a way for me to easily understand, and I thank you for this one as it clarifies your positions really well.
Thank you.
BVM is good, all I said was it’s annoying in my hands cause I keep facing players that know its rather significant weakspots.
It’s easier from my experience to use a tank people under-estimate [Abrams] than a tank people are overly-cautious about [BVM].
I think another issue is in-part the matchmaking. IDK about you guys, but past like 8.0 German players kinda know what their doing (except the Turm III noobs). On top of that, they typically get pooled with Sweden. And on top of that, often Russia is put with them to. So you often have (in my opinion) Germany, Sweden, and sometimes Russia vs USA and everybody else. And if any of u guys have been in other forums, USA top tier continues to decline towards 30% win rate or something like that. In other words, a large part of the issue is not unbalanced vehicles, but matchmaking too. This could be resolved by perhaps putting USA and russia together more often, along with a few minor nations. Then u get germany, sweden and 1-2 other minor nations, like china to add eastern style MBT’S to a Leopard 2 dominated team
It’s only 3 lane corridor in first minute for people who don’t know anything but W. My whole point.
And i do think it matter too, the early engagement can dictate how the match goes. that’s why a team of ussr/ger/swed most likely to win, like 75% most likely to win.
Good thing that i rarely seen it anymore.
Both are good at their own but BVM is 100% better at holding W to the objective, which is making it better at 3 lane. In single lane or battle mode, I’ll take anything that can shoot faster.