Why does Germany, Sweden, or Russia one just steam roll every Top tier match i get into?

Damn Russian tanks must very suffer fighting against Leopard 2 nowadays lol

Not for a careless rusher that just goes straight into battle picking up engagements 10 seconds after spawning.

You can do 1.5 K/D in basically any tank without effort. Alternating between getting one and two kills per death is not something I’d expect from a shell-eating bias machine, no matter how you play it.

Not only that 2A7s and 122s have better armor profile, they’ll also have better survivability due to ammo compartmentalization, having one extra crew and being less cramped. In case of T-80s, they also have both hull and turret spall liners going for them.
Keep telling yourself stuff that aren’t true.

Commander sustaining damage outside of your tank getting knocked out or losing more than a single crew is an edge case. We already know that playing on two crew is better than being in the hangar.

And in those 45 minutes you couldn’t find a way to remove that distraction by simply opening a new tab ?
I guess your neuron activation is lacking, no wonder you get sucked into conspiracy theories.

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Imagine inventing that little scenario about me so you can double-down on a weird claim that thermals don’t matter… It doesn’t really matter what you expect from my stats considering you don’t know my playstyle and are just making weird baseless assumptions to force reality into your perspective.
2A7 and 122 have a larger silhouette and a larger % of that silhouette can be penned regardless of the angle you shoot at them, hull down or not. That’s before you account for the 3OF26 and the rigged damage model.

But for the 3rd time it doesn’t matter to me if the 2A7 is the best tank in the game or just 2nd, that’s literally irrelevant to the broader bias question which involves CAS, SAM, bug reports, damage model, matchmaking, ammunition, map layouts and so on. Finally it’s unreasonable to expect a russian main to recognize bias when he’s only mediocre while relying on it. At the end of the day if we go 10 battles together you’ll come out whining that the Ariete needs a nerf and that it’s the best tank in the game, like a spoiled child.

42% Winrate and 1.6 KD is really screaming op bias, you are right.

You don’t know how to read but at least you know how to fetch

Well your main error is that youre using thunder skills as a reference of your skill, while youre pulling a 0.5 kd with your leopard2a4…

And btw i have never claimd that im good, just that youre in no position to say that youre better when you clearely not.

It clearely shows that you have never used aircrafts…

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The thing is you have not even reach the br that they are talking about in this thread, which is top tier.

Never said thermals don’t matter in general, only that they don’t matter in your so-called “monkey” playstyle of holding W and soaking up shots left, right and center.

Playstyles don’t really play a role in getting 1.5 K/D while using a brokenly OP bias machine with stalinium. You’ll just eat a shot that should’ve killed you, turn around and lolpen the poor guy that even dared to challenge your propaganda vehicle.

Having a larger silhouette also implies that tank isn’t as cramped so it will sustain less damage on penetration overall. Most things don’t come without a con and this isn’t any different.

You tried to push your narrative of 2A7s being inferior to T-tanks, which simply isn’t true.

It’s funny how there are/were many imbalances throughout the game, but only when it’s going in USSR’s favor people claim bias, like they have an agenda stemming from outside the game itself.
US had broken CAS + SPAA combo for years in A-4E and M247, I haven’t really seen you complaining about it.

How about you try to fact-check stuff before you post ? It’s not the first time that it’s made you look hilarious in this thread alone.

Meanwhile you’re here having a toddler-level meltdown about tanks that aren’t even the best at their tier, let alone brokenly OP. That’s comical even for a conspiracy theorist that can’t open a new tab in 45 minutes to alleviate his annoyance.

Really… pray tell what do you call it when your stats are higher than Than the overall average?

i just see how they perform in the vehicle to be honest, and looking at yours is not impressive.
barely any vehicle that got 1k/d. which mean you fail at 1 kill per death, a lot.

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Yours are barely above average.

Look at your Chirstian II and Pzbtl 123. Some really good tanks at their BR and you didn’t have to stock grind them at all, yet you are still seriously negative in them.

And? Are you actually suggesting that UFP armor on the BVM beats out about 200 other advantages the Leopards have?

If you are thinking about speeds, the map force you to fight close, and t80 is not t72
If reverse speed, try survive the first shot, and t80 is not t72
If thermals, Gen1
If darts, lol get one-shot by a random click on your hull with a stock mango, when your aiming weak spots
If reload, try survive the first shot, and remember that 1milsl for crew

Not buying Expert crew for your liked tanks is basically sleeping on performance, not just on reload speed.

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Payed no money to gaijin so I can never afford experts on vehicles other than my few perms :(

You can grind event vehicles and sell them for GJN → premium time to easily get SL, so with enough time you don’t need to pay anything.

Bro. You said BVM is not better than 2A5. A tank that can be killed with JM33 UFP.
And war thunder is mostly 3 lane hallway to 3 point, basically front armor is the most important thing at the start of the game. Smaller weakspot is better.
I got no beef in this argument but saying BVM is worst than 2A5 is just a lie

I only use JP tanks but I can confidently rank these as I face them equally
The rank basically strv 122s, 2a7s, T-90M/T-80BVM.
The rest of MBT basically a punching bag if they are facing them directly.

I have played every MBT in the game essentially with decent stat, you have never played Russia once. It is trash.

The map does not force you to do anything you do not want to. Most maps are unfair to tanks with low depression anyway and limit their spots.

You have made the standard mistake of assigning values to tanks based on average player performance.

If you have a map that is completely flat with a BVM vs Abrams and both players are horrible skill, of course the BVM will win. People who are actually good will a) know this map does not exist and b) create the favored scenario in every actual map.

Look no further than the guy above (Creastroy) stating reverse is useless. They have so low information about the game they cannot understand what reverse is good for except for after being hit. A completely nonsense point of view.

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they don’t matter in your so-called “monkey” playstyle of holding W and soaking up shots left, right and center.

My ‘monkey playstyle’ is probably you on a good day lmao - You don’t seem okay, that’s what genuine mental illness looks like. I better not start saying the sky is blue or you’ll die on that hill too.

Having a larger silhouette also implies that tank isn’t as cramped so it will sustain less damage on penetration overall

Lol reddit tier logic. A smaller silhouette is harder to spot, easier to hide behind bushes, and smaller weakspots means you’ll tank more shots anyway. There’s a reason you’re able to crest hills sideways and not die instantly. Not being seen and not being penned is far more important than having more space between modules to mitigate post pen damage. One of the many reasons T tanks are better.

It’s not the first time that it’s made you look hilarious in this thread alone.

Oh noooooo i look hilarious to some guy that uses dev chauvinism as a crutch oh noooooooo i need to reconsider everything thank you vatnik-sama.

Meanwhile you’re here having a toddler-level meltdown about tanks that aren’t even the best at their tier

Tell me more about that, I’ll only accept midwit posts that take 45 minutes or more to write.

should i say blame the Russian tank designer? even Chinese know what to do with the reverse gear
what you want the game to do about it? put 30km/hr reverse gears on the tanks that don’t have them?