Dude. You’re crazy lol. 2a7v stomps any tseries. It’s not even a conversation. Anything the y series can do, the 2a7v does it better.
This is literally the wildest take I’ve ever seen on these forums lol. I’m with you on the auto loader being de facto armor and eating rounds(it’s BS when I’m not playing Russia lol). But there’s no contest, t series are not as good as Leo’s, not even close.
You’d rather check my stats (for 1 tank lmao) than reply to the post I linked in full but I’m having a meltdown, keep projecting. Again for reference
[T-series are] More mobile, more ammunition choices (including HE to easily cripple/kill any hull down tank), buffed depression, still able to aim down in the rear arc, can lose a crew member without the reload rate doubling, smaller silhouette, smaller weak spots, protected breech (T90M), covered in clown-tier ERA, overperforming stabilizer…
And yes they are more mobile despite the bad reverse speed. At the end of the day the bs y’all post up here will never change the fact that T80 players (just like Ka50s) play far more recklessly than NATO players, and yet survive for far longer and perform far better even in the hands of brand new players
They are much better tanks
Russia has more of them
and finally it’s pointless to compare them to the 2A7 and 122 since Gaijin rigged the matchmaker to put the 3 best nations (Germany Russia and Sweden) on the same team more often than any other pairing since you couldn’t deal with them lmao
mfw i have to aim for the first time (that automatically makes my target the best tank in the game)
So can any other tank. The leclerc and type 10s have autoloaders, and every other western tank has 4 crew.
Debatable, the turret weakspots are larger compared to the leopards.
Both of those don’t mean a lot. How does a stabilizer overperform in WT? All are treated the exact same.
The 2A7/122 is the best tank in the entire game.
Russian tanks are low skill floor, low skill ceiling, but most western ones are high floor/high ceiling. You also fail to mention reload rate, which the Russians/Chinese are the worst at.
Far better acceleration and better top speed
Depression isn’t important when you can rely on stalinium
No tf they’re not lmao. A T90M hull down is far better protected than a 2A7 but keep lying i guess
Relikt and Kontakt 5 are way too effective against darts and they should lose effectiveness when the round approaches at a right angle, of course they don’t (russian game)
Russian stabilizers irl are far worse than NATO ones and can’t remain accurate at anything over 15kph
The 2A7/122 is the best tank in the entire game.
Like I said I would also say that if i was born without a spine and needed to play the protagonists just to sustain a mediocre performance. I play much worse tanks and probably do better → I know the game better than you → simple as.
It is important on quite a few WT maps, and it prevents eastern tanks from being as useful.
I proved you wrong, and you respond with cope?
Look a the protection analysis and tell me that again.
So you want a nerf to any stabilizer that isn’t modern? I fully know that shermans don’t have stable guns like they do in WT, but I haven’t seen anyone asking for a nerf.
I said cope because we’re comparing T-series to the Leopards and you bring up the Leclercs and Type 10 like they matter. It’s an extremely dishonest reply meant to deflect and therefore it’s cope.
I don’t care what the protection analysis says. Take the T90M 10mm RHA breech cover. That thing routinely eats DM53 like it’s nothing but according to the tool it does nothing? Vatnik please.
Commander being alive and full health has an impact on reload rate through leadership and their own reload skills. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised a bias apologist doesn’t know this at 12k battles, ain’t like you need to know what you’re doing
Considering you have 25,000 battles underneath your belt I would expect The stats to be further apart than this. So where exactly did I error when I said I’m a pretty good player?
I would also like to point out I don’t get the easy stat boost of using aircraft. im Strictly ground.
Regardless of the petty jab you decided to shoot my way. Entire point of my comment this seems to be totally ignored due to someone feeling the need to penis measure for some reason. I’ll rephrase for those who have the inability to understand messages besides The very words in front of them
As someone who’s mained Sweden, I would not feel that they are overpowered, there tanks lack armor and are killed Quite easily at almost every BR. I’ve only made it to 10.7 so far and I always feel like every BR I’m in my tanks are made of paper mache.
It’s not negligible. The Leo commander not being full health pretty much guarantees you won’t reload faster than a T-series. Guess that doesn’t matter now too?
Of course. You are having a meltdown over T-tanks being brokenly OP and biased, but your stats are directly countering that.
Claims something is OP Performs below his account average with it
Yeah buddy, how about you tell us the real reason behind the meltdown, because in game performance surely isn’t it.
Calling 90M to be more mobile than 2A7 in any way is pretty delusional.
[Insert metric] isn’t important because I say so. Delusions at their finest.
The amount of false information you’re spewing out is incredible. Those tanks don’t have flat turret roofs, so you can consistently get their breech/gunner/commander without them even having a chance to shoot.
Reading this is funny after so much ignorance from your behalf.
Good thing commander is the most protected crew member in those tanks. They sit in line behind both driver and gunner, so most frontal shots that kill your commander would outright kill your tank.
Same thing goes for being shot from the side. You’ll most likely lose another crew member alongside the commander. Having two crew with increased reload is much better than having a single crew member back in your hangar.
So yeah, in most of those scenarios where your reload would get hampered you’d be dead or barely alive (pro of having a extra crew).
My stats on one top tier tank without thermals are meaningless, especially when I play it like a monkey and take advantage of the stalinium. I do like how you vatniks invariably always fetch my stats and call it out like it’s some gotcha when my experience in the T80-UM2 literally proves me right, i.e. I just drive out in the open and tank a ridiculous amount of hits without even trying, then 1 death leave since I don’t have a line up to go with it
As for the rest of your drivel
T90M is more mobile, you’re dishonest
T-series have enough depression to make it work, and they don’t need it as much as NATO tanks due to their superior hull down protection
And I do know the game better than you, though I’m not pathetic enough to bother checking your stats, pretty obvious they’ll be laughable anyway despite you relying on OP nations.
And I just noticed that second message lmao, just more bambi rambling. The more you post the more it makes sense why you need bias.
Oh so thermals will outweigh all that bias OP armor and shell-eating autoloader. Good to know.
All that OP bias stalinium with 6.5s of constant reload while shooting at lolpen enemies only gave you 1.5 K/D. That’s rather interesting.
As I already said, your personal opinions won’t change facts.
First of all, Leopard 2s have the best turret armor in the game, you’re probably the only person that doesn’t acknowledge that. Not knowing this is just a you problem.
Second of all, all that “superior hull down protection” won’t help much if you can’t lay your gun on the target at all, which is the whole point of gun depression.
I actually try to play nations before I express my opinions on them. All those that I’ve played (USSR/US/GER/SWE/UK) are decent with UK lagging behind. Have yet to see that bias in action though.
Gets shown that only the commander sustaining damage is an edge case Instead of conceding, starts deflecting to hide the fact
Yes thermals are essential
Yes playing a tank as a joke means I’ll do worse and i still probably outperform you
Leopard 2 have a good turret but it’s easier to destroy than T-series from every angle especially with 3OF26.
Having less depression doesn’t mean you can’t go hull down, just gotta pick your location better. Game not doing everything for you? Unfathomable for a vatnik i know.
Not like you’d recognize bias with that dunning kruger and backfiring.
Commander sustaining damage is an edge case… More doublethink.
Yeah I got a spare screen and seeing your name pop up with “replying” for 45 minutes is pretty distracting. It is pretty pathetic though so don’t worry i’ll keep replying since you invest so much effort, don’t want to be too mean