Why does gaijin hate CAS?


Today I finished spading my last jet strike/bomber aircraft (8.7 +) that doesn’t have any offensive guns and I have to say that you couldn’t pay me enough money to ever touch them again.

Why does Gaijin refuse to give planes, whose singular purpose existing is to bomb bases an airspawn?

Most of these named jets have to compete with other strike aircraft or even fighters e.g.: Saab 105, A5C, Mirage 5s, american F84F, Kfirs, F4 Phantom, Il28, etc… They either already get an airspawn and easily get to a base first and or far outpower the Buccs and Vautours in engine power and most of the times EVEN payload!

Why for example does the A5C sit at 10.3, having Mig19 performance, guns, missiles and still being able to take out 2 whole bases in a single run while the Buccaneer S2B has to watch in horror still being 10 km away from the first would-be base.

This just shouldn’t be the case.

Simply moving them down in BR isn’t the solution (aside from the Bucc S1) because they would still have to deal with fighters “stealing” their only targets.


The S.2B, unlike the others, is, actually pretty decent from my knowledge on it.

The others, it’s just because it’s British.

Being subsonic puts you at a massive disadvantage.

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Buccaneer S2’s BR is correct.
Buccaneer S2B’s BR is around its AIM-9Ls and speed relation, and is likely correct.

Buccaneer S2 would end the match in a minute if it was given an airspawn, on top of go to BR 10.x to attempt to balance the fact it’d end matches so quickly.

Saab-105G is just so inferior to Buccaneer S2 it’s not comparable.

Yeah, specifically with the amount of weaponry it carries.

the S2B was definitely a breath of fresh air with built-in flares and aim9Ls.

explain yourself

Even more of a reason to give the Bucc a heads up

Buccaneer S2 can carry 24 540 pound bombs + 4 internal 1000 pound bombs.
That is all howitzers, pillboxes, and anti-air dead in at most two passes.
You don’t have to bring countermeasures cause you’ll have left the battlefield before the enemy even got close.

Your idea makes Bucc S2 10.0 minimum.

then why don’t B29s, Tu4s, F4 Phantoms, A7s et fucking c do that? Possibly because it is unreliable as fuck and you would have to kill the convoys as well to delete enough tickets. Where did you pull that out of? your ass?


He is a god at the game and has a zero percent failure rate, Alvis hits his targets every time. It is rumoured that he once ended a game with sheer fucking aura, the enemy planes just fell out of the sky.


Buc S2B (at least in sim) is actually fairly decent and it’s BR is deserved (Some minor buffs for it available like Phimat for 216 large calibre chaff)

The others… Yeah…

Buc S1 needs airspawn

Buc S2 needs some work, like getting it’s missing radar and Napalm. It probably could either do with airspawn or a BR of 9.0 (in ARB) these days as well. Though those said buffs could be enough. Overall Buc S2 is quite good in Sim and can reliably make it to ground targets, but it does struggle these days in ARB.

Vautour I’ve yet to play.

But yeah, they are not well suited for ARB these days though do well in sim. So either they need some tlc or better yet, they need to add an RB EC gamemode


The S.2 is a very sad plane rn, I used to defend it’s position since you could still do work if you were a bit more passive/patient but with all the changes like streamlining all targets to a small area of the map, bases taking an age to respawn, faster planes stealing all of your beans and more mach capable planes to chase you down it’s not in a good place.

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Bucc S2 is too good for 9.0 as a bomber.
S1 and Vautour are effectively twins.

Tu-4s and B29s are slow.
The others don’t have air spawns as you incorrectly imply.

A-7s once did have airspawns and ended matches in <90 seconds consistently.
There are still videos of it on YouTube.

If you had the unfortunate luck of facing 3 or more A-7s that communicated the match was over in <60 seconds.

Weird of you to accuse I am everyone when I am not; I just observe patterns and note them.

You have to give up bombs for flares, you can face 18g/30g missiles, meaning you NEED flares in that thing. It doesn’t have any armament aside from 2x AIM-9B which are absolutely useless when you can’t get a solution…

Edit: In the current BR you can face 9L too :)

It has 2 bases of bombs with flares, and 3 bases of bombs without flares.
It’s good whether it has flares or not.

No other bomber with its acceleration, speed, and bomb load is at 9.0.

Not when it gets intercepted every time

That’s a pathmaking issue.
If you want to reduce your interception rate, start thinking like an interceptor and reverse that for the position of bomber.

Those lessons are how I have an minority chance of being intercepted. I’d get you my survival rate in it, but Steam is dying.

yeah but how recent are these stats?

I got the Bucc S2 after Sea Vixen was added, so later half of 2021 through all of 2022, into 2023 and played it again to get S2B research.
So pretty much during the entirety of A-5C, F-104s, etc. As well as a majority portion of A-10s existing.

So nothing recently, got it

You sound like a massive crybaby bro 😭😂