Why do the 10.7 Abrams have the worse round by a large margin?

i like the phantom design but i cant bring aim-9s with the agm-65 so that suck

Ahh i’ll check it out.

sure you can just have aim9 on one wing and agm on the other XD

that would look ugly as shit

yeah thats the downside

nah id rather get 6 kills then die
instead of dying ugly

fair enough

Keep an eye on the hornet and super hornet. They could get some interesting armaments

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I will hopefully it’s something to kill the pantsir with more ease.

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It is.
If you’re struggling with the Abrams, go for it.

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Yeah I was but people told me I should go for the canadian leo. Is that still good?

I have both KVT and T-80U-E1. If you’re struggling with the Abrams, go for it. The T-80 has a ridiculously low ceiling even compared to the Clickbait.

If you’re looking for Germany, IMO you should go for the Pzbtl 123, its matchmaker is kinda more forgiving and if you have some money/GE to spare, you can still get some more fillers to it, like the TAM 2IP.
The 2A4M may be the best statistical grinder on either rewards % or winrates, but i don’t think its necessarily the most enjoyable. Make the call based on that.

But again, if you’re comparing the grind and the possible companions between the KVT (or even the Clickbait) and the T-80U-E1, i’d pick the T-80 any day of the year.

i honestly dont think the M774 is that bad at 10.7, i was using the M60A3 TTS there a while ago and it was penning stuff reliably well assuming you’re not purposefully hitting the most armored parts of a T-72 but it does feel a little lacking

I have the KVT, however if I do get that lower BR leo i’ll be able to play it more reliably with a premium jet…. hmmmm makes me think

The KVT is better than the Pzbtl tho
the leo has better turret armor but it suffer having worse frontal armor than the abrams
leo turret is 480mm ke right side and around 440-460mm ke left side
hull is only 320mm ke
ur choice but CAN Leo is still gud

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I’m gonna make a new post in players helping players, i’ll ping yall but I want to add a poll for more people to see.

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The Tornado, MiG-21, and Su-22 are insignificant if you bring them with the Leo 2A4M, and you’re not gonna grind much in GRB anyway, so stick to ARB for grinding Air.

As of late, the 10.7 MM is constantly uptiered to 11.3/7, but that may change with time. Also, I think you meant the TAM 2IP.

I made the new one and pinged all yall

u should have poll here tbh no one look into the academy