Yeah ik they are great, but I also have 80,000 rp to go for the F-15E so i’m prepared for the US to get better cas later on
M1 abrams is good at 10.7 because it has the mbt70 mobility and 5 sec loading, the main problem is facing 11.7 br tanks. Not every tank has to front pen everything.
Yeah ik but everything seems to front pen the abram’s.
I was doing ok with it last night though. I just had to get bigger maps for flanking
Well you should flank and hull down shoot people, if you really grind usa tech tree, my suggestion is just abandon m1 road, grind or buy m1128 and use it to spawn your f-15e. You could also get m1a1aim. Its almost the same tank, sep has tusk but most sep players sees as downgrade.
that is even worse, slow reload, poor manuverability, can be overpressure even hull down, very big sihoulette, if buy that id rather pain a bit to play the 120S which actually has decent armor hulldown and much better M829A1 round and you can have good reload
- u can actually resist against low caliber apfsds on like the puma or bmd/bmp
2 weak points are the incorrectly modeled turreting and poor mobility, u can also get overpressure but its pretty rare
is it the same 105 as the m60a3 tts? (don’t have any 105 abrams yet)
same round
same thermal
just better armor and mobility
same gun?
yes same m68a1 gun
Yeah sure buddy, m1128 is not good but it gives a discounted f15e spawn., which is better for ground lol. Until we get only tanks batte, jets are superior in this tank mode.
I have HSTV-L i use to get my F-16C which is fun. I’m 80,000 rp away form the F-15E so i’m super excited for that.
strike eagle best
Just get the f18e, its probaby better f16c and spawn both jet every match. You could discount f-15e and f16c at the same time, one is strike and other is fighter jet.
Yeah ik but I can only grind so fast after I lost my touch in the F-5C.
If they make F/A-18E a fighter i’ll bring it with hopefully new munitions with the F-15E
Im grinding the f-4e rn cuz its 11.3 and has 6 agm-65 tho i cant fight if other jets is up💀
im also grinding the f-15e line
f-111f tho is good CAS too
yeah I just don’t wanna pay to crew it when im so close to the F-15E
eh its good if u dont want constant full up tier
sorry but im partial towards the phantom: PHANTOM PHOREVER!