Why do the 10.7 Abrams have the worse round by a large margin?

I’ll just move it to general discussion then

nah that would be spam
or move it here prolly

I moved it to realistic

Ohh you mean move the poll to this thread.


Hello i’ve been playing war thunder for about 3 or 4 years now. I’m currently fed up with the abram’s and its play style. I’m making this so people can help me decide what tree and what persons I should get to grind next.
I’m looking for a really good nation. Something that has options for better things in the future. I enjoying playing Air and Ground. I also enjoy playing some CAS and CAP. I don’t care to much for mobility since I already have the abram’s. I just want something that can survive and make an easy grind.
Anything with a * by it means I already have it. I’m willing to buy 2 new premiums. If you do vote please share experience/ info about why you chose what you did.
Also if there is any other combo please share i’ll add it on!

  • Leo 2A4M and Tornado IDS WTD61
  • Leo 2A4M and Su-22M4 WTD61
  • Leo 2 (PzBtl 123) and Mig-21 Lazur
  • T-80U-E1, Mig-23* and Su-39
  • T-80U-E1, Mig-23* and Ka-50
  • T-80UD, T-72AV and Su-22M3*
  • T80UB, 2S38 and Su-22M3*
  • T-72AV, 2S38 and Su-22M3*
  • ZTZ96A and J-7D
  • CV 90105*, Christian II and SAAB J35XS
  • CV 90105, SAAB J35XS and Mi-28A
0 voters

Don’t buy Su planes if you don’t know what you’re doing.

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