Why do the 10.7 Abrams have the worse round by a large margin?

Not really…

Yes, it has guided-ranged air to ground missiles, but it’s not anything close to a maverick, and the ones that are TV guided can’t track moving targets.

Su-22 has more ordinance
Tornado has 2 aim-9L but su-22 has 6 aim-9l equivalent, atleast on paper(ok understand)

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Go for the MiG-21bis Lazur, and i’ll put it gently, the Tornado IDS and Su-22M4 WTD61 are dogshit.

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I like the Su-22 series, but for air grinding, I think the tornado is overall better. That’s if you want to be a bomb bus ofc.

R-60M’s ARE NOT 9L equivalent.

ive read ur mssg

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Would the Mig-21 be the better option to grind then? I’m actually a pretty good dogfighter and don’t need to strictly bomb bases for RP and SL

I mean, I can’t get on right now, as I’m about to go to sleep, but I’d look at their RP multiplier in the stat card. The higher the number in ~~~% the better, because it means you get more RP/Kill.

The MiG-21 isn’t really a dog fighter though. Just like it was used in Vietnam, it’s more or less an interceptor, very similar to the hit-run playstyle of the F-104

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What can the mig 21 do better? I’m a good dogfighter but someone said the mig21 isn’t the best

Ahh ok thanks for your help sleep well!

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Like i’ve asked everyone else do you think the Mig21 would just be more beneficial?

Your welcome, if you need any more help I will be a available 6:00-10:00 tomorrow.

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Yep it’s 10:12 for me rn so i’ll probably head to sleep here in a bit, but i’ll definitely ask if I need some extra help. Thanks again


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It does everything better than the Tornado/Su-22 essentially, except countermeasure count. 72 Large Calibre is still great for 11.0.

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I mean also cas right? It’s at such a low BR it doesn’t really have much guided weapons I feel like it’ll be insignificant if I bring it with the Canadian leopard

Just wish the Tornado Got CBUs. BL755s at 10.0 for GRB sounds like epic fun

base on ordinance it would be worse than the 22 or the torna but i dont know much since i dont have them
also tips for the CAN Leos, armor isnt invincible for its BRs but it has gen 2 thermal, ke-w(ever so gingerly slight bit on par/better than 3bm60), u can still hulldown but gaijin fucked it up with the turret armor a bit so just play it carefully

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Don’t get me wrong. EFT and Rafale are great multirole. But they don’t hold a candle to a future F-15E late in raw a2g firepower. It gets even worse with the EX, it carries more ARH missiles while also having a full a2g load than the EFT and Rafale carry in general most of the time

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Ok i’ll definitely play it carefully, it seems like it should only be played hull down because of the large LFP weak spot.