Are those swedish or german leo’s?
they arent OP but also arent bad
id rate them 7.5/10
Ahh ok, what about SPAA and cas and Cap? I wanted to go Russia for the flanker as well but I guess I could do that still since I already have the mig23
I’d say go for Germany then. Currently the best CAS + platform is the Rafale, but France straight up doesn’t have any Tier 7 premiums for ground. The EFT can still do some work with the Brimstones via pop-up attacks.
With the way CAS is progressing now, the Pantsir isn’t gonna hold up well. As devs said, we’re getting much more powerful SPAA for every nation this year, so no need to grind out the Pantsir.
flarakrad are decent, pantsir is OP, if u grind u can grind su-25s which is amazing CAS plane and ofc SU-33/34
russian are decent
Ik you just said germany however considering I would enjoy good CAS decent CAP (i’ll grind the flankers either way) Good SPAA and great tanks.
Would you still recommend germany or would you switch to sweden or russia?
If you want CAS and good tanks, go Germany. If you want the best tanks but mediocre CAS, go for Sweden.
Russia isn’t worth grinding as someone who has the entire tree.
germany, you would have decent lineups for top tier
Ok then any good recommendations for german premiums? Kinda bummed I wasted my money on the CV 90105 though lol. (Air and ground (only heli if it’s super good))
I know you’re just memeing, but the ERA was designed for that purpose, and subsequently a one-time use before you have a weak hole in your armor.
2A4M CAN is good, if u dont want top tier then the Turm III, for air, Tonardo or Su-22(prem) are decent
i cant recommend a good mid tier plane rlly
im actually eyeing the 2A4M CAN cuz i am canadian and i need a decent mbts for germany to grind, i dont like Turm III much cuz armor is quite glass, tho firepower/mobility makes up for it
Perhaps, but there is also the lack of ERA Perforating rounds to counter it and I do suspect its overall a modeled to be too good. Especially when ERA from everyone else barely does anything
iirc Relikt is underperforming by 25-50mm, and if we do nerf the ERA (which isn’t realistic), every Russian tank above 10.7 becomes paper.
As for Anti-ERA rounds, still a nah from me, maybe only on the CR2’s.
zis iz la satz
yeah I’m happy to go to top-tier so I’ll check out the Canadian leopard. I’ll probably get which ever cas is better at killing ground targets
10.7; 105mm gun, with a smaller round, a lighter round, and iirc a higher velocity.
11.3; 120mm gun, bigger round, heavier round, comparable velocity.
It’s just like 105mm vs 120mm DM33
Tornado require you to get close and bomb
But the Su-22 has long range maverick like missle(air to ground) which is laser guilded
you also have r-60s which is basically aim-9L
Yeah I was looking at that, which one is better in ARB? I would assume the SU-22 becuase it can actually turn
R-60M’s are far from 9L’s, and the KH-29T’s are good, sure, but not competitive when you bring it to 11.7.