Why do the 10.7 Abrams have the worse round by a large margin?

I can tell you some basic advice. Play the Abrams like a light tank. It has the best mobility at that BR, as well as the reload. Use protection analysis to find the weakspots of tanks you struggle to penetrate, and don’t hesitate to shoot barrels.
Oh, and one thing, positioning matters. This is something you’ll learn with time but above everything else a good position on the map means everything.


Yeah I always do good in a flank but a good flanking map is few and far between. I always do good with my HSTV-L too ona flank

Ok thank you i’ll try these things

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The M1 Abrams:
Cons: Armor cannot stop anything that has over 420mm ke, cannot stop high penning atgm(TOW-2 for example), overpressure by them and HE. At close range anything 400mm+ ke can pen you(this goes for left side turret, area close to the gunshield.
Another problem, cannot hull down at all. If you are in the 10.0-10.7 then maybe but if you are just slightly above or opponents have 430mm ke(assuming mid-long range), you are dead. Unangle turret is also death.
M774 is quite not enough for the BRs, there has been debate on giving it m833 which it should have but that aside, m774 can pen leos but when face things hull down, aim for weakspot or becoming free SL/RP. Thermal(i hate gen 1)
Otherwise, Pros:
Amazing mobility, even on par if not better than some light tanks out there. Good reload rate, turret traverse mid, very versatile for flanking, side shot(chance of you getting Gaijined increase cuz m774 is funny).
How to play: DO NOT head on engagement, just do not. Use its mobility to become an up armored light tank, become the rat camper(it has to be done), flank and retreat, strike when they are distracted/caught off guard(require brain).


Thank you i’ll refer to this when i’m losing my mind playing the abram’s lol.🙃
ATP i’m just gonna buy the T-80E-U1.

Also yes the side shots have screwed me over more times than I can count!

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ah crap

Yeah I love the Abrams but I can’t be one shot for the rest of my Time playing war thunder

eh ig so

I mean are the higher teir abrams any better? Can everything still pen my turret?

if ur turret is unangle ur dead regardless, tho if ur turret is dead facing ur opponents then they gonna shoot ur gun shield(assuming every opponents you face are top 100 players)

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So i’m just cooked? If so T80U-E1 it is becuase that looks actually enjoyable

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if reverse speed is not -4km/h then yeah ig
does it have 3bm60?

Uhh it’s 3BM46 i believe so 500+mm of oen

reverse speed is not -4km/h?
if not then you dont suffer much

It’s 11 but i’m also about to get the squadron one too so i’ll have a lineup

Ima be honest don’t buy into Russia. Go for Germany or Sweden, they’re your best options.

I already have the Mig 23ml but I guess I could go sweeden I already have that one light tank.

I went for Russia first because many said it was “OP” and super strong, which as it turns out, doesn’t hold true in 2025. CV90105 is an excellent light tank for grinding out Sweden :)


germany u could get the Leo PL or 2A4M, 2A4M is quite decent, armor is a bit like abrams tho
russia not bad unless you lose(ofc)

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Ik most people don’t like this but which one will have better cas/ air superiority fighters in the future. That’s mainly why I choice the US and why I was gonna chose russia.

Oh and the broken SPAA russia gets lol