Why do the 10.7 Abrams have the worse round by a large margin?

Yeah I pity you controller players, have you tried using a keyboard + mouse if your console supports it?
Scratch this statement, you gave the answer above.

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Other than when it comes to Staninium grade ERA pen starts to no longer matter from 10.7 up, you shoot the same spots either way


If you have a hard time aiming with the controller I suggest you play at BRs where armor is mostly irrelevant.
Try some 8.0 - 9.3.

Yeah i’m lowkey good at 8.3 becuase I can actually aim with the slower turrets.

M900 was made for 105 Abrams iirc. Just saying

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If I post a video or 2 of me playing the abram’s can yall tell me what I need to improve on?

No, I suck at ground, look at my KD on the AIM

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Ahh ok. Anyone else?

Then again the 2A7 can get DM73. Its for balance purposes.

Jon’s about as skilled as ground players can get



MMW, LOAL, FnF Brimstone 2/3s for the Challenger 2 Streetfighter II? :P

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M829A4 all the way (DM83 hasn’t even entered service yet iirc)

Yeah I love to watch him but he does a lot of flick shots which is very very hard on controller

wbu? can I post a video of me playing the abram’s and could you tell me what i’m doing wrong?

Yeah controller gimps any player :(

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Uh… Again, like Quartas. Air and Naval are my jam and Im pretty bad at tanks. Plus. I could give you a bit of advice for the Challenger Mk3, but none for the Abrams

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Ok thanks though

Can any1 else analyze a video of me in the abram’s?

or honestly in my 10.7 lineup

You have a higher probability of killing more enemies in a flank, or when two enemies push you back to back, in many scenarios its an advantage that you are always ready to punch.