Yeah I pity you controller players, have you tried using a keyboard + mouse if your console supports it?
Scratch this statement, you gave the answer above.
Other than when it comes to Staninium grade ERA pen starts to no longer matter from 10.7 up, you shoot the same spots either way
If you have a hard time aiming with the controller I suggest you play at BRs where armor is mostly irrelevant.
Try some 8.0 - 9.3.
Yeah i’m lowkey good at 8.3 becuase I can actually aim with the slower turrets.
M900 was made for 105 Abrams iirc. Just saying
If I post a video or 2 of me playing the abram’s can yall tell me what I need to improve on?
No, I suck at ground, look at my KD on the AIM
Ahh ok. Anyone else?
Then again the 2A7 can get DM73. Its for balance purposes.
Jon’s about as skilled as ground players can get
MMW, LOAL, FnF Brimstone 2/3s for the Challenger 2 Streetfighter II? :P
M829A4 all the way (DM83 hasn’t even entered service yet iirc)
Yeah I love to watch him but he does a lot of flick shots which is very very hard on controller
wbu? can I post a video of me playing the abram’s and could you tell me what i’m doing wrong?
Yeah controller gimps any player :(
Uh… Again, like Quartas. Air and Naval are my jam and Im pretty bad at tanks. Plus. I could give you a bit of advice for the Challenger Mk3, but none for the Abrams
Ok thanks though
Can any1 else analyze a video of me in the abram’s?
or honestly in my 10.7 lineup
You have a higher probability of killing more enemies in a flank, or when two enemies push you back to back, in many scenarios its an advantage that you are always ready to punch.