Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Lol so no. You have 0 idea how inconsistant APDS is against anything that isn’t a perfectly flat plate. Please tell me, where do I find 300mm pen APDS on the Jumbo, M26, M4/T26, T32, T26E5, T26E1, T34, M50, M36, M18, T32E1, M109, M4A3/A2 76, or T95? Am I supposed to just not play any of those and just exlusively play M41A1 and M56?

Honest question, are you new to the game? You were talking about APDS I talked about APDS. Now you’re changing it to a different discussion. I never said those tanks have it. And to be clear, the jumbos are the absolute SHIT! APCR is good enough for frontal on most occasions to disable breech and APHE to the side is enough to kill most as well. The U.S. DOMINATES at that BR dude. We have a GREAT LINEUP.

T34 has a freakin 1hit cannon on it with incredible armor. Same with a few of the other ones listed.

To close it all off, not that it’s relevant to this thread. Just because you’re in a tank doesn’t mean you’re able to fight every tank, nor should you. Knock a jags barrel out and move on. Leave it for someone else, ping it and put it in chat. You’re not meant to take on every tank with any tank you’re in. That should be pretty clear.


So what do you do when you have no SP for CAS or have used your CAS or nobody spawned CAS in the game? Lucky you have team mates who can actually play and deal with the situation.

Lol you say they dominate whilst having absolute trash 6.7 America stats.

Should we check Your stats?

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He admitted he can’t survive without CAS to hold his hand.I guess TO would be beyond him.I would be interested in seeing how good this all knowing expert really is.

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Who did?

He is just a troll, can be seen in all topic he is discussing

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I don’t play it anymore, I grinded through it and got to where I wanted to be, top tier. Now I INFREQUENTLY go back there when someone else wants to play and do just fine. I mean I think my t34 is like 1.3kd or something it’s much slower pace than top tier so you can tell which tank I played in most games.

you can lookin at my top tier stats, at I’m like 1.1-1.5 or something like that, and that’s only increasing because the first 2-400 deaths were all me learning the new style of play and getting better. Now I generally go 2-4 kills per death. I think my players percentage is like 65% or something.

How about next time I play, we go on the same team and let’s see who does better. That way we can put this stat card to rest because you think it means something for a BR I seldom play anymore.

I’d be curious to see your stat card since I don’t get so serious about this game to actually look other peoples stats up. So go ahead and post yours.

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Your tanks do move you know.The JT struggles to pen the Swedish Tiger 2 at distance ,the game does not need CAS anymore too much Copy paste and modern junk in WW2 arenas .Just seems like you listed a number of tanks you cant play very well.Hardly proves your point or makes you look good

I’m always baffled when people complain about jagdtiger as I really dislike this vechicle.

I would always pick jagdpanther over it.


It only has reverence in WW2 scenarios facing all that was around in WW2 and not that much relevance even then.It’s a situational vehcile.Drop off for the gun is baffling.The huge shell passes through soft skins vehicles like every shot is Ghost shell.WT sucks any use form the JT or the Ferdinand.JP is much better but even then somewhat pointless in the uptier.

Like we said months ago.We have on occasion games where nobody spawned in a plane and the game did not collapse.We live in an age where surviving a game in an SP is crime.Using cover is a crime ,using a fast tank to flank is crime ,getting to enemy spawn because the door was left wide open is a crime and all because of numb nutz players who cant play or are new and know nothing and want to lecture as all and gate keep for everybody.

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  1. Sure, but those are temporary event modes that are very much " Take it or leave it " - Which is not what the TO crowd wants. They want a permanent mode-set and the TO crowd doesn’t just want one type - They want multiple because not everyone likes arcade or realistic or sim. Part of that was why they shunned the event back in the day; It wasn’t to everyone’s particular liking amongst other things. Additionally, I can guarantee that the fragmenting those events do for the queue is temporary at best because again, the events are short-term.

  2. The number of those who have quit is ultimately irrelevant for your argument because A. They don’t play anymore and B. You have no idea how many left because they hate CAS or because of another reason. Additionally, once again all these people demanding TO on the forums are a statistically insignificant % because forum users as a whole are a minority % compared to the playerbase at large. The math isn’t mathing like you want it to and that’s the simple reality.

As a second additional, other forum sites like Reddit don’t count because this forum right here - The OFFICIAL War Thunder forum website - Is the only website where you have to be an active player of War Thunder inorder to participate in dialogue. Everywhere else anyone can speak even if they’ve never played WT a single minute in their lives.

  1. Christ, this bit makes my head hurt. First off, " TO only premiums? " Like what, exactly? Tanks? We already have premium tanks. Premium time and boosters? Already have those. That idea is simply nonsensical.

As for WoT, it exists because it offers a strictly tank vs tank, strictly arcade-style, borderline ADHD-fueled experience that WT does not and that’s why it exists. The game experience between the two games is different, and it should be different. There’s no point to there being two different games if the experience is the same, and copying direct experiences is not something Gaijin is interested in doing.


After see the T26E5 and the T92 are the only ACTUALLY good vehicles, I just gave up and only bothered with the T26E5 until I hit rank 5 and got the T32.

It is even more amusing than I thought

If I could instead flag them all for deletion and have them immediately deleted I’d do that instead. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your outlook, things simply don’t work like that. Which means that just like everyone else I have to experience the displeasure of seeing often purely intellectually disabled tripe spammed over and over again.

I listed a number a tanks that don’t get APDS or HEATFS lmao. You seriously know nothing about America.

Why would you need 300 mm pen APDS?
You can do it with APCR frontally if you know where to aim
T26E5 vs JT - APCR
Or you can do it with APHE from the flank
T26E5 vs JT - APHE
And if you don’t have the means to deal with the opponent you don’t engage it. Its very simple.


You need to pixel hunt with APCR, and it doesn’t destroy the ammo 100% of the time either even with direct hits. A jagdtiger can point-click and you’re simply gone.

Thats called moving goalposts. Your claim was you are helpless without APDS which is false.

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