As I’ve said b4, the T26E5 is one of the few good vehicles, and APCR still doesn’t help all that much. Most vehicles don’t even have it. a Jumbo, M18, M36, M26, etc are all screwed against a Jagdtiger, and this isn’t even mentioning IS series tanks.
And they should be screwed against on of the heaviest armored TDs. The same as PzIV, Panther or JagdPanther is screwed against T95.
Who tf is brining Pv.IV or Panthers to BRs where they face T95s??? all the tanks I listed can face Jagdtigers. Also JagdPanther is also unkillable to alot of tanks frontally whilst being able to just point-click and send them to hangar instantly.
Panther A is 6.0, Jagdpanther is 6.3, T95 is 7.0 so they can meet.
I dont ,I like CAS.
What??? If you are going to troll then troll on topic.
Can’t really speak for the TO crowd overall. I am only as good as what I read. I was a no fly CAS hater once and full of ignorance to the game and flying.I feel better supporting TO from the position of being a flyer not that I feel any need to divide the two but others have.
The reason I mention temporary event modes is to show that the game can entertain other modes and one day is as good as permanent as far as spreading the player base thin.These events do not equate to ten minutes waits for games so neither will TO.Just logic as far as I can see.
Regarding Arcade ,I like how CAS is done there.Its good training and its very brief and limited. Gaijin need to show some balls sometimes and say “No,Arcade stays as it is sorry.” TO is for GRB in my view.
No I dont but neither do you.Could be ten could be ten thousand. Like not knowing how many copies Dark Side of the Moon would sell before it was released. Life is a guessing game.
Gaijin might disagree as review bombing over RP far exceeded this forum ,nuff said there you know the story as well as I do especially if you play console.
Anything you would not normally take out of your trousers in the presence of CAS,Things similar to the Yag ,The flak 88 etc etc etc . Anything I could peddle to the hungry masses of War Thunder.If TO cost any CAS sales then I would want redress elsewhere,sure Greedy Gaijin do too.You can bet your life that WT is like a food chain ,more SP guns means more SPAA or Soft skins hunting them,its could give rise to a new eco system game wise.Sure it could all fall flat on it’s tits but who knows?
I feel a contradiction coming. Yes its tank vs tank, not done as well as WT so I rest my case and stand by what I said.Sure many will stay loyal to the tankfest that dare not speak its name on here but many will **** off to the opposition.Another Lamborghini for Anton ? Great if it is.Is speculating to accumulate not what made him his money?
You know that overall I am in the GNDM Panzer camp on most things but its seems like you went away and really tried hard for a comeback where I just feel I am stating the obvious based on observation.I have not invented any of this ,I’m not clever enough.It just seems like natural progression due to demand and just happens to have many easy money making positives attached such as lame opposition.
As I said to Coffeebean ,I submitted a genuine request for TO to the devs(his idea) ,hopefully to the right person and they can have the chance to once and for all finally and officially say NO. I also hope they give us all clear reasons why not as surely we are all worthy of an explanation ,all of us on either side.They may say they like my pitch and consider it which means its possible in some form,maybe not what we expected but worth a look.Like Pacifica said ,never say never.
Also comparing a T95 to a Jagdtiger doesn’t work. A jagdtiger is 3x faster, smaller weakspots, and faces Jumbos.
Moving goalposts again. What does speed have to do with frontal armor ability?
Jumbo for JagdTiger is the same as Panther A for T95.
What does this have to do with frontal armor? This is about being completely helpless against a Jagdtiger. Atleast a Panther can very easily shoot a T95’s cupola.
Indeed, TO advocates often overlook this when pushing forward the quite meaningless results of such things as YouTube polls.
YouTube has no ties to WT in itself and so anyone can vote in its polls…you don’t even have to be able to read the poll options, nevermind know about the subject. To suggest that such ‘votes’ count is simply laughable.
The zenith of TO advocacy was probably around late 2019, when Gaijin touched upon the topic and even raised the idea of an ‘SB-like event’ setup…which TO advocates immediately turned hostile toward. Because they wanted a set of modes parallel to GFs as-is, they insisted on ‘holding out’ for a better deal. Instead, Gaijin quietly backing away from the idea of TO altogether and we’re heard little (nothing?) from them ever since.
As TO has slithered to what seems to be a nadir since then, I would say advocates who were serious about the cause should have pursued the deal on the table–but they balked.
Because you set up the conditions like that in the initial statement. You said those tanks are helpless. The only condition where some of those tanks are helpless is frontal engagement. So frontal armor is essential in your initial statement since you could see from the video that JagdTiger is very vulnerable from the flank even with 90 mm APHE.
That was quite a ramble but what is your point? Nobody wants TO ? Well we had yet another new post yesterday requesting it ,its a request as regular as any other on this forum.As numbers ,none of us really know do we unless you can display some inside knowlede for us.So what proof of what you say do you have?
TO now is more about a break from CAS as anything else.I mostly accept the combined arms nature of the game and I love it .To come in with air is amazing ,even Heavy bombing is fun,Nothing like the 5x kill from a Pe 8 on the odd occasion it happens.
So my point is ,the OP is about why there is such opposition to TO bordering on rage and hate when TO as it is proposed now takes nothing away from the CA(Combined Arms) game.
I understand conflict of interest and even Anton has mentioned it regarding breakaway WT games.
I genuinely dont think there would be a conflict of interest unless TO GRB was so popular it killed all interest in the CA version and as you guys keeps saying ,that wont happen.
I think two things will happen if TO is trialled for a month.
1 the game will fail and if it does the TO argument dies never to return but Gaijin showed respect and tried it and respect back to them.Bonus points and a big told you so from the devs along the lines of " Respect what we do and why and stay out of it".
The game may fail for many reasons or it may just be ,slow ,boring ,too intense for the bulk of WT players.
2 it may be great and very popular.I am sure it will attract attention initially.It may reveal TO to be a game that turns out to be so different that it becomes an entity in its own right like Arcade or CA GRB.It may show a determinable and provable migration from other games, basically player numbers up which gives something back to Gaijin who are not in this for fun.
It would be somewhat controversial but only in a positive way and be quite a news item across the gaming world."Wow WT ditched the planes I’m gonna try that ".Once players are through the door they can try ,Navy or Air RB and might find they like those more that TO GRB.
I came here to play ARB and now main GRB and rarely play ARB.
So anyway the point is ,if players know that TO is of no threat or no concern then why object so vigorously,the question still stands and remains unanswered.
Ramble? Not hardly.
Nuanced discussions require decently length posts and discussion…something like a tweet with 180 characters does not make anything substantive. TO and many other things have suffered from people thinking ‘give me that!’ is a proposal…which is a big reason why it’s stalled out.
Far from saying nobody wants TO, I acknowledged there is a desire for it. However, the profession of that desire seems less prevalent now than before and certainly so when it comes to official appetite from Gaijin.
Anyone serious about pursuing TO would be wise to look at the ‘trigger queue’ idea. Allowing people to ‘opt-in’ to TO but not necessarily get it expectedly (it’d trigger only when the queue gathers a sufficient amount) seems like the most viable route forward.
I did not claim to have any specific numbers or inside knowledge, I merely pointed out Gaijin’s past with the topic, their subsequent silence and the calming of the waters in the years since.
It’s more a matter of reading the room than anything close to being an insider. My initial 2018 take on TO’s likely future (that it was ‘unlikely to turn up soon’) have proven prescient for this reason.
Very few are objecting at all…though there are certainly issues that TO faces. The lack of meaningful discussion and progress on those things have left TO in the limbo that it’s sat in for the bigger part of a decade now.
The inability or refusal of TO advocates to hammer out a public proposal (or take Gaijin’s 2019 pitch) is probably the single biggest reason why TO hasn’t gotten any further than it has. You have to work things out to make things work.
It was answered immediately however. Morvarn did not write that for kicks.
These are the moderates put off supporting due to very poor discourse from some TO mouthpieces.
We know why “opposition” exists and some in the TO advocacy will not take this on board.
And yes, some on the “other side” (as broad as differing opinions within TO advocacy; no homogeneous group) do not help themselves either.
But since one “side” is making an ask/wanting support it really is down to those requesting to do the work of gaining support, not peeing off the moderates (not those you see much).
Having read Morvan’s reply(the first reply) I can see it actually boils down to lack of respect or perceived lack of respect and little more.To be blunt its about the general shitty attitude that prevails on this forum and the default setting of nastiness we have on here.Maybe we all need to go to charm school.I’ll be first on the bus : )
Eddie has recently tried this himself.
What I might advise (if rejected) is for himself and others to make a closed chat of interested TO advocates to keep pushing/refining his Suggestion.
This closed message group can then focus on what is wanted/needed without the inevitable distraction of “sensitive” points which can derail.
This is purely for the creation of a voice to Gaijin, not for the end of discussion in the TO thread.
Also @BoveyBadBoy69 says there has been a more recent live stream regarding new mode proposals. But not seen the link yet and was waiting for it.
Could not trawl through and find the 2019 stream.
My reply to Warrior reads to be far more shitty than was ever intended to be honest ,I can see that looking back.Thats the written word for you I guess. Maybe we need more if these 😆. I agree that discussion is a time killer and genuine dialogue with the devs needs to be entered into ,good call there,so has there actually been any?
I can see your intentions are well meaning ,not holding you to find a lost video on youtube.I know of Antons previous statements re TO but wasnt a no never but more a not interested currently.